The Day After

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Waking up around 5 a.m. is the absolute worst; especially since I couldn't fall back asleep. It didn't matter much anyway, I'd have to get my ass up in two hours anyway. Damn school hours... Shifting my head to see the clock, I read '4:30' in bright, flashing green letters.

"Damn...gotta get up." I groaned, sighing and rubbing my forehead. Have to take a shower before I go out. Which suuuuuucks right now, with a sweet Goddess curled to my side, head laid gently on my chest.

Lifting her head, I slowly slipped from under her weight, smiling a little at how she just curled to my pillow.

I pulled the covers over her, whispering, "I'll be right back, promise." Grabbing my towel from the back of my bean bag chair, I spun the knob to the bathroom and whistled to myself. Closing the door I turned the fan on and turned on the hot water.

Only after I had showered did I realize I'd forgotten my clothes. Sighing, I shook the water from my locks, wrapping the towel around my waist, adjusting it so the fabric wouldn't fall. I opened the door, only to stop at the door frame at the moon hitting falling silver strands, the beautiful light refracting into my eyes. Oh and Elizabeth casually in her underwear in the middle of the room, me---being the pervert I am---stopping to glance.

Leaned against the door way, I watched her bend over to pick up a purple dress from her bag, my head moving with her body. She did have a really nice butt. Like an upside heart, or something like that. I pouted when she stood up, though the dress she put on was pretty; complimented her silver hair, especially when she pushed it out so it wasn't stuck in the zipper. So beautiful, shining in the moon light. Smirking to myself, or having a stupid dopey grin to myself, I leaned my head against the frame.

"That's a nice dress." I spoke out, the tall Goddess jumping and catching herself from surprise.

"M-Meliodas!" She whisper shouted, holding her heart. Ah, her face was so red, so cute. I secretly pinched my arm, just to check that I hadn't slept through my alarm.

"Sorry, couldn't help myself!~" I chuckled, pushing myself off the frame and going to grab my clothes from the chair. "It's going to be cold later though, so feel free to use one of my hoodies."

"I-I can use my jacket, I-Ill be ok." She replied, messing with her fingers. I internally pouted, having wanted to see her in my clothes. But that jacket of hers was far too thin to protect her from the cold.

Shaking my head, I headed back for the bathroom, "Too thin. I'll be right back," I turned to her, stoned face. "Unless you want me to change in front of you."

She squeaked, shaking her head, "N-No, you're F-Fine!" Blushing, she turned to sit back on the bed as I shut the door. Letting out a deep breath, I leaned against the door. That was too close.. I could feel my instincts try and take over the second I saw her. I had to keep control. Though I couldn't help but smirk to myself as I dressed; she was just so gorgeous after all.

Once I slipped my shirt in, I reentered the room and started to shove my Converse on, using the door frame as my balance.

"Um," Elizabeth hummed, scratching her cheek as I looked up to see her wearing one of my black pullovers. "Th-Thank you."

"No problem! But I'm going to have to do a wardrobe check." I stated, zipping up to her and squeezing her breast. Felt about right. She squealed, making Hawk jolt up in his piggy alert stance. Ah shit, forgot that he was here.

"Who, what, where, when?! Oh just you." He sighed in relief, calming down and plopping his butt back down.

"Yep." Letting go of Elizabeth's waist, I went through my closet to find where the hell I tossed my bag; maybe I should keep a better eye on my schoolbag--- I heard Elizabeth say she was glad that she left her schoolbag in her locker as she slipped her sandals on. Watching her, I noticed the sleeves on the hoodie were actually to her fingers. Ah I must've accidentally taken Esta's but whatever. She could keep it, it was too cute on her too not.

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