10 • Freshman Club Meeting

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Wilbur smiled down as his creation, a small oval-shaped pig plush completed with a tiny crown and fluffy cloak. Shit. I made it too cute and now I want to keep it. After some clicking from outside, the door swung open. 

"Hey I'm back, what are you doing?"

"WELCOME BACK!" Wilbur screamed in half-panic half-excitement, pushing the plush into Techno's hands.

Techno looked down and immediately softened. "It's adorable," he squeaked.

"That's cuz it's you!" Wilbur beamed.

"Thank you," Techno said, pulling Wilbur into a hug. "You don't have to do this for me you know."

"I know, but I love you, so why not?"

Techno's cheeks went pink at Wilbur's words. Regaining his composure, Techno coughed. "So um, do you want to head to the garden with me? We could finish some assignments, maybeyoucouldbringyourguitar..." 

Wilbur smiled, sending Techno's heartbeat skyrocketing. 


"So we'll start with a roll call, Astelic?"




"Purp- wait that's me, Ranboo?"








"Cool, so we're all here." 

"How did you manage to get us a club room for this?" Sammy asked bewildered.

"What do you mean? I just threatened to destroy every bed in the dorms."

"Okay, so what are we doing?" Tommy asked, ignoring Purpled's absurd answer.

"We have to figure out a club name first. Unless we want to lose the clubroom."

"I volunteer "purpled is stupid" as club name!" Astelic chimed in. 

"Shut up Astelic, I didn't ask for your opinion."

"You said we. I am part of we."

"I don't speak to 200 stars, anyway any more suggestions?" Purpled asked ignoring Astelic.


"Okay, fine "purpled is stupid" it is," Purpled grumbled, scribbling the name on the form.

"Club leader?"


"No, you're not going to be the club leader."

"Tommy!" Tubbo cheered.

"I second Tommy." Ranboo chimed in.

"This sounds like a recipe for disaster," Bitzel commented.

"Oh come on Bit!" Tommy argued.

"Sure ok," Bitzel said.

"Tommy it is, although I'm not paying for any of your hospital bills," Purpled informed.

- After turning in the forms -

"So, since I am the new, very poggers club leader, we will commence the first-ever club activity, people observation! I have picked out the gardens as our location because Tubbo heard there were bees there, LETS GOOOO!"

"BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Tubbo screamed as he sprinted out of the room, forcing the other freshmen to race after him. 

"Hold on, aren't we breaking rules running in the halls-" Ranboo was cut off by every club member sprinting out the door besides Bitzel.

"Welp guess we've been deserted- wait did he actually just ditch me also?" 



"Tubbo careful don't agitate the-" Tommy's mouth dropped open at the sight of Tubbo seemingly dancing with the bees, somehow not getting hurt.

"Hmmm, interesting," Astelic commented, pushing up a pair of fake glasses while scribbling notes into the notebook that caused the ruckus three nights ago.

The group continued on, now with an extra 3 bees that seemed to have gotten extremely friendly with Tubbo. Tommy puffed his cheeks at this. Personally, he thought he was way better than 3 insects. Tommy felt a nudge at his side.

"Psst, Tommy!" Astelic whispered, pointing at a spot where the hedges formed an archway. One side was blocked off by boulders and flowers but the other was somewhat open, concealed well with vines and various other greenery. Upon closer inspection, what looked like bright pink flowers had been none other than Technoblade, leaning on Wilbur Soot, asleep.

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