6 • Liar

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Light flooded room 31 3B as the sun rose. Techno opened his eyes to see Dream had left for classes already, or to meet George. Might as well get up also Techno thought, but as soon as Techno tried to get out of bed, he remembered Wilbur still had his arms wrapped around him. Techno smiled to himself, tucking his knees in, and buried himself farther into Wilbur's warm and fluffy embrace. He smells like home. 

"I'm glad you exist, Wilbur," Techno whispered drifting back to sleep, as the fully awake Wilbur tightened his hold on Techno.

Techno awoke for the second time today to find Wilbur's fingers running through his cherry blossom colored hair.

"Morning, prince charming," Wilbur whispered into Techno's ear.

"Fu- don't breath into my ear like that!" Techno exclaimed a light shade of pink dusting his cheeks.

"You're so cute, has anyone told you that?"

"I-I've got class, I gotta go."

"Hm? Lying to your best friend? That isn't very nice." Wilbur whispered into Techno's ear again.

"I'm not lying."

"Techno, Techno, why are you lying to me?" Wilbur murmured, sliding his hand down from Techno's hair onto his face, tracing Techno's facial features.

"I'm not."

"Still lying? Tsk, manners." 

"Let me go, I'm not lying."

Wilbur released Techno, and smile as the very pink Techno stood up, averting his gaze from Wilbur's.

"I've memorized your entire schedule, you can't fool me," Wilbur said chuckling.

"You're a literal stalker," Techno said through his teeth.

"A stalker you love," Wilbur replied.

"I don't love you."

"Your 4th lie of the day Techno," Wilbur commented.

"Don't be so egotistical." Techno shot back.

"Your one to talk."

Wilbur laughed. "Hand me some of my backup clothes will you?"

"How do you know I keep backup clothing for you."

"Didn't we conclude I'm a stalker earlier?"

"RIght. Anyway here," Techno answered tossing Wilbur a black jacket, brown shirt, and a random pair of pants.

"Why are these all the right size?" Wilbur asked. 

"You leave your stuff all over my room all the time." 

"Fair point."

"Have you and Skeppy reported the toilet flooding to the maintenance yet?"

"Duh, you think we're idiots?"

"What else was I supposed to interpret from you guys flooding a toilet?"

"Another fair point."

"Alright, take the extra key we got. That way you can actually enter and exit, I'm going to go to the library," Techno told Wilbur, leaving him inside as Techno stepped into the elevator and riding down. The doors slid open and Techno stepped out onto the oak planked path making his way to the building with the library.  Once he reached the library, all of his awkwardness and anxiety from this morning and last night was washed away by the familiar smell of books. Techno picked out one of his all-time favorites, the art of war, checked it out, and headed down to the gardens. Techno sat down on one of the marble benches near the fountain and began to read. After an hour or so, Techno realized he had forgotten his phone at the dorms and hadn't actually eaten breakfast.


Techno looked up to see Wilbur with his phone and a croissant sandwich from the school cafeteria. 

"Oh uh, Thanks," Techno replied taking the items from Wilbur.

Wilbur smiled and sat down next to Techno.

Soft strumming began to start as Wilbur had brought his guitar. Wilbur took a breath in and began to sing.

Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars

Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars

In other words, hold my hand~

In other words, darling, kiss me~

"You're getting better," Techno told Wilbur, eyes still on his book.

"Am I really?"


"Techno you have class in 20 minutes."

"Thanks for the reminder, see you later Wilbur," Techno responded, scooping up his items and heading back to the main buildings.

A/N: Wow 2nd update today

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