Chapter Twelve: Afterglow

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Why'd I have to break what I love so much?It's on your face, and I'm to blame, I need to say

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Why'd I have to break what I love so much?
It's on your face, and I'm to blame, I need to say

     Dancing was something that Ember didn't partake in very much. Whether it be joyful or solemn, lively or cold, the thought to dance didn't exist on her agenda.

     There was something about the careless flailing of happiness that never really caught on with her. Ember had seen other people dance, quite enviously might I add, and she wanted to be able to flaunt off herself the way they did. She wanted to forget about her lanky limbs and live, but it was harder than it looked. She always thought she looked stupid. Her lack of carefree-ness influenced her despise of parties. Even Niall knew this, as he'd seen it play out before. She was awkward- she looked awkward. Niall was used to that version of her, so to see her smiling and dancing with not a single doubt was a change. And honestly, he thought she looked hot.

     It was a party, for sure. Not a birthday party, not a ball, but a party party. The kind that leaves red solo cups littered across the floor, and sticky stains, and lace bras in your bedroom. It was different. Well, different to Ember. The rest of the group were perfectly comfortable.

     Harry leaned on the counter, completely sober, watching Ember magically move her hips in a way he wasn't used to. Harry knew Ember. Not that they were friends, but he knew how she was- from experience. This was a whole new side to the schoolgirl he once knew. It turned him on a hell of a lot.

     Louis was in the kitchen pouring himself some strong mixture of alcohols. He would sneak a glance at Harry every once in a while to find him completely and utterly shocked.

     Harry had told Louis, after the whole fiasco of Calum. He couldn't keep it in any longer, not from his best mate. It was his way to say something without telling Niall. Louis thought he was weird, still does, but didn't really give a shit. They're brothers, some weird stalker thing won't tear them apart.

     Anyways, Louis watched Harry, as he muttered under his breath something about him being whipped.

     Liam was in the bathroom with a girl. He didn't know the girl, wouldn't know the girl, and probably would not see the girl ever again. She knew that too, but just thought he was hot.

     Zayn didn't come. As sad as it sounds, it was on his own accord. It was known in the group that Zayn hated parties, which is why they never really went out as a group much. He promised them he didn't care. Either way, he was taking Gigi on a date tonight.

     Luke and Michael were talking in the corner, both drinking some sort of vodka mixed with something. They were laughing about some meme Michael showed Luke, about god knows what. A couple girls walked up and eyed them sexually, but immediately walked away after they got a glimpse at Michael's camera roll.

     Ashton was talking to a blonde girl he met dancing. Her name was Jolie, or Joy, or maybe Johanna. He didn't remember. They were talking about vegan people. Why vegan people? Neither know.

     Finally, Calum. He was at the party too, he had been invited. The rest of the group didn't know that because he had been kicked out. Harry made sure that he had no way of joining again, and had no further contact with Ember. He wasn't smart enough, though.

     Calum was dancing, slowly but surely making his way to where Ember was, placing his hands on her hips. Guiding her into the crowd, to where nobody would be able to see them. To where Harry wouldn't see them.

     Calum took her upstairs and into a bathroom, one not occupied. She was heavily drunk, so she didn't mind. He placed her on the toilet and stood up to look at his reflection. He had a red cup of water, he had been carrying the whole time.

     "Drink this. It might be a little strong." Calum said, handing her the cup. To that, her pupils widened and she downed the cup with ease. The water seemed to sober her up a tad.

     "Calum? What the fu-"

     "Shh." He silenced her, placing his finger on her lips. "i just want to talk to you. About what happened."

     This helped with the sobering. "Talk? What is there to talk about? You cheated on me." She snapped angrily on the verge of tears. He attempted to cup her face, to which she slapped it away and hardened her eyes. "I don't understand what you want from me, but go ahead. Talk."

     "I love you, Ember. I was drunk off my ass, I swear to god. This girl pushed herself on me and I thought it was you, for some reason. Harry made me stay away from you, did he tell you that? That he nearly fucking killed me? I don't understand what creepy fetish he has about you but listen to me. You need to get the fu-" Calum said, but stopped. Ember furrowed her eyebrows and watched as his mouth hung open, and his eyes held a vacant look.

     Calum's body dropped to the ground, and landed with a thump. Ember's eyes widened as she fell to the floor and tried to comfort him. It seemed that her eyes widened even more, when she turned and looked at the door wide open. There was a man in the doorway, clutching a shotgun by his side. Ember looked up at him in shock, then anger.

     "Harry," She gasped. "You monster!"

I need to say, hey
It's all me, just don't go
Meet me in the afterglow

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