Chapter Six: August

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Haha isnt it funny how i havent updated since september :D so funny lol ha ha ha haha

Actually tho i just got rlly unmotivated (hence the short chapter) so i'm squeezing out content (that sounds gross) for u

Actually tho i just got rlly unmotivated (hence the short chapter) so i'm squeezing out content (that sounds gross) for u

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Will you call when you're back at school? I remember thinking I had you.

     Words couldn't describe how angry Harry was. The room would tense when he would walk in. Everyone knew he was upset. He yelled at people more often, he took a few days off, he really lost himself. Nobody had seen Harry this mad since his father was murdered. Nobody knew why.

     Niall had gotten more and more suspicious. Harry hadn't talked to him in days, and this never happened. They were attached at the hip before. Niall blamed himself, but he truly was at fault. Harry wanted him to feel guilty. Harry was overly dramatic, obviously.

     The only reason Harry was so mad, was because he snooped in on Ember one night. She was lying down on her bed with a dreamy look on her face. At first, he was happy to see her so cheery. That was until she started talking to herself. She talked about some boy that was so handsome, and initially Harry thought she was talking about him. Until she mentioned his brown eyes. Harry has green eyes.

     He found out she was talking about Calum. Not only was she practically head over heels for one of his best mates; Niall took her to meet him. Now all Harry did was grunt around and yell at people. It was only a few weeks later when Harry really lost it.

     Ember and Calum had each other's numbers. They would text all night and all day, and while she was in class, and while he was on a job.. They went out for breakfast every Saturday, held hands in public.. Ember really liked this guy. Calum, evidently, liked her too. That made Harry livid. That wasn't the problem, though. Calum asked her out on a date. And she said yes.

     They were dating now. Harry couldn't do a thing to stop it, because Ember barely knew him- or so he thought.

     Ember liked Calum. He was nice and charming and all, but something was off. What she liked most about him was how she felt safer. Maybe it was because she was weak and he wasn't, but she felt that Harry Styles couldn't "get" her when she was with Calum. Ironic, he works for Harry.

     Harry hadn't a clue she knew who he was. He liked it that way, it was a way of hiding behind a name. If she found out, he convinced himself she'd never love him. She thought he was a psycho. In a way, he was.

Numerous times had Harry tried to justify his actions to himself. Claiming it was for "a good reason". He tricked himself into believing that it was fate and he was only speeding up the process. In reality, he was a psycho. That sort of attachment he had towards the mere idea of Ember was sickening and disgusting. Ember never saw him in a romantic way. Well, she only saw Calum in a romantic way.

  Harry's eyes trained on the girl shuffling around her room, Calum watching her as well. It took everything in him to not order his men to murder Calum. He didn't want to see Ember upset. He didn't want to be the cause of Ember's distraught. Then again, nobody did. Ember was a lighthearted and beautiful soul. If someone wished her poorly, they were rotten.

     Ember steps into her walk in closet, Calum following shortly behind. She mumbles something that Harry isn't able to read, but has a smile still on her face. Their height difference was perfect. He had to look down and she had to look up, but it was adorable. Not to Harry of course.

     He pecks her cheek and holds his hand out for her to dance, which she complies. They move in synchrony together as they dance around the small bedroom, being careful as to not  bump into anything. He twirls her around and she giggles. Then, he dips her back - making them both fall to the floor in a fit of laughter.

    Maybe it was better this way. Maybe Harry had wasted to much time on her, and she was happy enough. He always wanted to save her from her boring life and give her an extravagant one, but maybe Calum could give her that. Of course, Calum didn't have serious anger issues. He also wasn't completely dependent on her, nor was he insane over her.

     He whispers something in her ear, making her laugh and playfully push his shoulder. Calum then begins to tickle her stomach as she falls back with tears in her eyes. Harry also had tears in his eyes, but not happy ones. This wasn't okay. He knew that now. He knew what he had to do, no matter how much it would destroy him - physically and mentally.

      Calum and Ember were perfectly overjoyed, and Harry couldn't squeeze himself in the picture. He couldn't bare to. Ember wasn't his anymore, not that she ever was. She deserved more than anything to live a happy normal life with Calum. He can't break that picture, that would be pure evil.

     Harry had to leave her alone.

but I can see us
lost in the memory
August slipped away into a moment in time
'cause it was never mine

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