Chapter Three: I Knew You Were Trouble

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(a/n: hiiii! first authors note AH so anyways. i'm changing the title, cover and description. if ur wondering why, it because sobk [stages of being kidnapped] was an idea i had before and it didn't really work with what i got goin now. ty! enjoy!)

'Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in, so shame on me now.

'Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in, so shame on me now

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      A hard punch was delivered to his bare stomach. His shirt had been torn off previously, leaving more access to his body. He had no way to defend himself against them. He was weak. His whole life he had been led to believe that he was strong. The captain of the football team, he boxed in his free time, and he beat up people who were undeserving of it. A pedestal, he was put on. Here, in front of two men who could snap his every bone, he felt the weakest he's ever felt.

     He doesn't have a clue as to why he's here. If anything, he thought he'd be praised for what he'd done. Ember wasn't special to him at all. She was popular, but he thought she was fake. It was believed by him that Ember Reid had done nothing to deserve such praise.

     Believe it or not, he used to admire Ember. She was beautiful and graceful, everything he'd ever want in a girl. When he built up enough courage to ask her out, she said no. Truthfully, that was when Ember's crush on Dakota Anderson only just blossomed. She regretted ever saying no. Now he hated her. That was what she thought, until he asked her out for the second time. Of course she said yes. It was him who sabotaged her happily ever after. In Harry's eyes, that was sickening.

     Even so, he would rather that over Dakoda and Ember falling happily in love. It was Harry who was supposed to show her the world and introduce her to new things. It was Harry who was supposed to protect her through and through, make sure nobody hurt a hair on her body. Not Dakoda.

     The warehouse behind the supermarket in the woods. Nobody ever went there, it was said that nobody made it out alive. It was rumored to be a drug lab. Some people thought it was where the famous gang leader, Harry Styles lived. That wasn't true at all, he'd scoff, insisting he lived at the mansion on the top of the hill. The warehouse was just where he spent all of his time. What he did in that warehouse, was unknown to people.

     It varied. He'd make deals there sometimes.. He would beat up some stupid kids who thought it was a good idea to come to his property.. most importantly, he'd kill people that pushed his buttons. Dakota Anderson being one of them.

     Dakota, as of right now, lays passed out on the concrete floor of the infamous "warehouse". Whether he's dead or alive doesn't matter to Harry. Niall, however, leans over to check the boy's pulse. Without being able to find anything, the blonde boy sighs.

     Harry still holds a scowl on his face, unable to wipe it off. He wish he would've gotten more out of the boy before he died. He regrets that now.

     "Man, what are you so pissed at? We killed the kid." Niall groans. Harry's always like this. "Pissy for no reason" Niall would say. It was odd to him that Harry wasn't fulfilled by killing him, like he normally would've. It was his hobby.

     On the other hand, Harry almost feels desperate to kill even more people that dare to even look at Ember the wrong way. There isn't even the slightest bit of remorse for the out cold blonde in front of him. It's sick, but he wants the world to revolve around him and Ember. That was his only weakness. If she was here, he wouldn't want to kill more people.

Blood drips from the boy's callused knuckles onto the floor. The metallic substance splatters on his black shoes. Niall looks to his distressed friend and feels a rush of pity. Did he regret it? No. Harry Styles doesn't regret anything, especially when he kills somebody. It's not in his nature. Niall takes a deep breath as his eyes find his friend's.

"Mate-" Niall pushes on, only to be interrupted by the one sentence he never would've imagined would've come out of his mouth. Especially considering who he was.

"I'm in love with Ember."

On the other side of town, Ember walks into the school building. This is an especially dreary monday, because of the havoc caused last night. The sky is also a dull gray color due to the rain the last night. She got home safe and sound, obviously considering as it was Harry and Niall who brought her. It was a terrible night for her nontheless. She stayed up all night crying her eyes out, Harry watching the whole thing in pain of course.

     The hallways are crowded with students whispering back and forth. Some are crying, some look relieved. Ember felt out of place. Blaring through the halls, an announcement was made from the intercom. This disturbance startled the girl and nearly made her fall over. It seems like a perfect time for her to find her locker. As her slim body reaches through the mass of students, the voice speaks drearily.

     "As most of us are aware, there has been a disappearance."

     A disappearance? Ember stops in her tracks, and listens to the solemn voice. Who could it be?

     "Dakota Anderson was a star student," She sniffs, "-and we will keep him in our thoughts and prayers. He was found dead by the old supermarket."

     Her breath is caught in her chest. It feels almost as though someone is choking her. Her knees give out, she falls to the floor. Harshly, her hands grip the tile. It's almost like she could vomit right on the spot. Tears threaten to fall out as she firmly shuts her eyelids. The world stops around her. It it unknown to her why she's so worked up about it, but it has something to do with the pit in her stomach.

     Why? She repeats in her head. Why him? He didn't deserve it. He was young, he had so much to live for. It's not fair.

The words coming from the intercom are blurred to her. She regains her balance, but has trouble walking. Tears fly freely now, blurring her vision. Her hand grips onto a random locker for balance, not caring to check to who it belonged to. She pushes off of the metal door and runs the way she came from. As she passes a group of students, a murmur of "Harry Styles" nearly makes her stop dead in her tracks. It was him, wasn't it. She knew she had to get home and find out about this guy. This murderer.

Her feet race past everyone in the school, not minding that she bumped into many people. It didn't matter right now. She just had to get home. The way to the double doors are agonizingly slow, but she barges them open the second she can. Hastily, she stumbles down the concrete steps. Her mom dropped her off, which meant she had nobody to bring her home. She'd have to walk.

As if on cue, rain pelts down from the sky suddenly. A soft groan escapes the dark-haired girl's lips. If it wasn't hard enough to walk home already, the rain makes it all the more fun. Taking a deep breath in, she begins walking down the pavement.

She had no idea why she was that devastated. The boy ruined her, for god's sake. All that she could think of was how angry Harry was last night. Did he have anything to do with it? He couldn't have, could he? A part of her knew that it was because of him, but she couldn't fathom the thought of that boy being a criminal. She barely knew him. He did have the same name as Harry Styles though, so there was that.

She pulled out her phone from her back pocket while her sneakers sloshed on the puddles. The passcode is typed in quickly, followed by her going onto the web browser. She types in "Harry Styles" out of curiosity. After the site loads, a brief description is included. They call him a cold-blooded criminal. Rightfully so, he is one. She anxiously looks at the images.

The phone nearly falls out of her hands. Last night, she sat in the car with Harry Styles. The man who killed the boy who broke her heart. He smiled at her.

Flew me to places I've never been, 'til you put me down

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