Chapter Eleven: Out Of The Woods

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a/n: I'm so sorry I haven't posted in forever!!! I got so unmotivated idk also Christmas and new years so :/ sorry
but here's this chapter! hope u enjoy

a/n: I'm so sorry I haven't posted in forever!!! I got so unmotivated idk also Christmas and new years so :/ sorrybut here's this chapter! hope u enjoy

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Looking at it now
It all seems so simple
We were lying on your couch
I remember

     It is funny how the most important thing to you one day can completely change as the days carry on. When I was younger, I was deathly attached to a stuffed bunny whom I believed was real. I never had many friends or connections in my childhood, so the stuffed bunny was like my best friend. I did anything I could do with the rabbit until I reached the age when it was not socially acceptable to carry around a stuffed animal. It is even more humorous to me how people's opinions on your passions and favorites can make you change your mind so effortlessly.

     Calum was my rock. My living, breathing proof that there was a better chance for me. He was proof that the world was not entirely against me and all my contrarian beliefs (hehe). I cannot completely put my opinion against him, though. I have never exactly been admired so thoroughly as much as I admired Calum, but even if I were- I do not think I would know it. I do not think he knew it.

     He was out of my league; he was more than that. He was attractive, kind, loving... I am not sure why I was so surprised that there was a catch to it. Calum Hood will forever be the death of me.

     I do not know how I could live my boring life without him. My soul and my muse escapes me, the only living proof I have now that my life was not as much as I thought it was worth. How dramatic do I seem? Swimming through possibly the greatest low of my time, the greatest low I will drop to for a long, long time.

     It keeps me up at night. How perfectly her face was sculpted, her cheekbones and eyes so much more defined and prettier than mine. Her body was slim and curvy in the right places, and it made me shy away at my own body. I can be cute and pretty and likeable- but I cannot, nor will I ever be, consistently attractive. Times and seasons and trends can change, but I will get lost in the mass of tides. She will stand to face the test of time. She will not get boring after a while; she won't lose her flair. I have lost mine a long time ago, it's safe to say.

     I feel incredibly unintelligent for believing that for even a second, Calum Hood enjoyed my presence half as much as I enjoyed his.

     The drive back to the café was one filled with deafening silence. Harry held his gaze forward, not daring to look at me as though I'd shatter under his glare. He was mad; livid even, but not at me. At Calum. I wouldn't speak to him; I wouldn't say a word. I blamed him. I blamed all that he had to do with it. I blamed the wrong person though. I continued to blame the wrong person, until it dawned on me. Harry Styles had warned me. He had seen it coming, he had tried to prevent it- but I would not listen. I was too damn stuck up in my own pride to realize. He was trying to look out for me this whole time, yet I was too gullible to see it.

     Is he angry at me? No, he would not be, because for every mistake I have made, and for every wrong I've wronged, he wouldn't dare judge me for it. I bet I made him feel at fault. Who does that? I guess I have been basking in the falsehood that Harry Styles hated me. He is a harsh, cruel and evil man, but I know this now; Harry did not dislike me half as much as I thought.

     It was not even his fault that Calum had 'gone missing' either. It was all Calum from the beginning. I was on the wrong side the whole time.

     Today was the first time in a long time where I was motivated to move my limbs from their resting position on my bed. My days were spent on my phone, watching videos and reading fan-fictions of people I will never get the pleasure of meeting. The sad, lonely bubble I put myself in was embarrassing- but to me it was a safe haven. I wasn't being bothered.

It's been like a week since the incident happened, and I'd skipped a shit ton of school. Who cares anymore, I sure as hell don't. Besides, my mom was thinking about putting me in home schooling. As much as that sounds miserable, I'd probably prefer it much more.

Anyways- I'm motivated today, because Niall invited me over to his house tonight. Not like that, we're having a sleepover. He said he invited a couple of his dude friends, which probably includes Harry, but that's alright. I need to thank him anyway.

Enzo is home early. He said he came home a while ago, but he had some business he had to take care of. I didn't question it, of course, because he always gets mad at me when I do. Enzo says that the gang is none of my business. He says that he loves me too much to watch me get hurt, and he doesn't want to taint my brain. I really doubt that though. He's probably just selling some illegal shit.

My phone dings with a message from Niall, he says he's outside. I reply quickly as my hands gather my phone and my purse.

Hastily, my feet carry me down the steps. My mother sits in the kitchen, watching Taylor Swift sing a song about a scarf at her ex's house on the tv. I give her a quick goodbye and a peck on the cheek. Though she didn't say anything, and she wouldn't admit it, she was really happy to see me doing something. I am, too.

Just as he said, Niall's car sits parked outside in my driveway. His wispy blonde hair faces downward as his eyes bore into his phone screen. He's leaning against the black vehicle, oblivious to my wandering eyes. I make myself known with a simple wave towards him. Niall's face erupts in a charming smile, truly happy. I've always adored Niall's smile. It's something to idolize.

     "Ther' ya are! Haven't seen you in ages!" He runs up to me. His muscular arms hoist me up while he spins me around, the both of us grinning and giggling profusely. His bright blue eyes are nearly ten shades brighter since the last I saw of him. I missed him so much, my best friend and my favorite person. I'm glad he's back.

     He lets me down to hop in his car, as he does the same. I buckle up, full well knowing that Niall would yell at me if I hadn't. He starts the car after seeing my buckle. When we are settled and driving, a hearty sigh emits from him. Turning, I see Niall with the most cheeky smile on his face still. It is mesmerizing, truly. Niall isn't a child - he hasn't been for a long time - but he keeps the childlike gleam in his eyes with whatever he does.

     "What are you smiling about, blondie?" He only chuckles at my question, then shakes his head.

     "It's been forever since I've seen you. I'm glad I get to talk to you again." He smiles to nobody in particular, since his eyes are firmly set on the road in front of him. He was cautiously driving, for once, which led me to believe he had someone help him out with his driving. "I'm happy."

     "Yeah." I respond back on instinct, proving that I was sharing his feeling with him. My days of dread and sorrow are coming to a close. I loved Calum, but I'll get over him. He got over me. I'm my own individual person. Calum doesn't define me. He didn't ruin me, because in this moment I'm just as happy as I will ever be. It might be from the release of Calum and his hold on me, or maybe it's Niall with his cheeky smile and boyish glint in his eyes, but maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm just happy.

     "Yeah." I say again. "Me too."

Are we out of the woods yet?
Are we out of the woods?
Are we in the clear yet?
In the clear yet, good

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