Chapter Two

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I woke up, and got dressed. I already wanted the day to be over, and it just started. I threw on my Nirvana shirt, some ripped skinny jeans, a beanie, and my vans. I did my morning routine, like brushing my teeth and combing my hair. Then, I went down to eat breakfast.

"Hey, Al's," he joked. "Is it okay if I call you Al's?"

"Um, sure," I replied.

"Okay, Al's, what do you want for breakfast?" He asked. "We've got cereal, poptarts, pancakes, eggs...I can make whatever."

"A poptart, please," I answered.

He puts the poptart in the toaster, and we wait in awkward silence. I wish it wasn't like this, but he was never around growing up. He never really got to know me. I don't understand why he had to move all the way across the country. If he didn't, maybe we could have been closer.

Just then, the pop-tart pops, and I jump a little. He laughed and handed me my pop-tart. I get the milk out of the fridge and pour it in a cup. I finish my breakfast and stand up sort of awkwardly.

"Oh, yeah, here's your backpack," he explained. "I did your school shopping last week. There's some binders and notebooks and pencils and stuff."

"Oh, thanks- er- dad," I said.

"I'll drive you to school today, but tomorrow I have to work, so you'll have to walk," he explained. "Don't worry it's just done the street, though."

I nodded and walked out of the kitchen. I opened the front door and walked outside. I got into the passenger seat of pickup. He pulled out of the driveway and turned on the radio. It was already on the music I liked.

"You like punk rock?" I asked.

"Yeah, I love it," he explained.

"No way! So do I!" I exclaimed.

"Like father, like daughter," he joked.

The rest of the way to school, we played air guitar and sang along to American Idiot. When we got to school, I felt like we really bonded. I said goodbye and got out of the car. I held my class schedule and locker number in my hand. I went inside and found my locker. I put my stuff in there and got out a binder for English.

I walked across the school looking for my class, and when the five minute bell rang, I found it. I walked into class and introduced myself to the teacher. I took a seat in the back. I was so nervous I was shaking. My mind flooded with thoughts like:
What if they don't like me?
What if they think I'm weird?
What if I get horrible grades?
Just then, the bell rang. The rest of the students flooded in to the classroom. They took their seats and class began. She introduced me and I just stayed low. She began her lecture on some poet and I almost fell asleep. When the bell rang, I lifted my head up and went to get my science binder.

I was very late to science, because I couldn't find it. I begged him not to give me a tardy, but he said it wouldn't be fair to the other students. I rolled my eyes as I went to the back of the room and sat down in the seat. We just worked on a packet the whole time. I was glad when the bell rang.

Next, I went to social studies. Then, I went to gym. I didn't know I had gym until just a few minutes ago, so the gym teacher (we called him Coach) had a girl lend me some of her extra gym clothes. They were a bit baggy on me, but whatever. We were playing dodge ball today. I was on the same team as the girl who lent me her clothes.

"Hi, I'm Andrea," she introduced.

"Hey, I'm Allison," I greeted.

"You must be new," she guessed.

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