Chapter Fourteen

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It was a literal blood battle out there. It was like an action movie, and I was in the middle of it. I really just wanted to go home. We had been fighting for at least a couple hours. I was holding my own against Meghan. There were a few dead werewolves and vampires here and there, but mostly we were doing great. It seems really stupid to be in the middle of the woods fighting for basically no reason. I'm pretty sure werewolves and vampires are equals. We just have some miscommunication problems.

I punch Meghan, but she grabs my wrist and twists me around. She forces me to the ground, but I shove her backwards. She jumps up and I kick her back down. She's getting weaker, I can tell. I punch her in the stomach and she collapsed to the ground.

"I think we know by now who's the tougher one!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, well, You- you're a-" she started. "Asshole."

"Asshole? Really?" I questioned.

She groaned and jumped up. She kicked my stomach and I backed up. I swung at her, but I missed. She slapped me and I slapped her back. We fought for awhile more, but then things get weird.

Everything seems to go in slow motion. Everyone stops what there doing and forms a circle. A hooded figure dropped down from a tree, and into the middle. At first he looks to the ground and doesn't do anything. His arms are all tattooed up and he has a few bracelets on. Once he looks up, I'm shocked by who I see.


I knew he was a vampire, but I didn't expect this. He drew back his hood and some people gasp.

"That's right, it's me!" He explains. "Kyle Gray! Some call me the leader or the dark one. Other refer to me as the-one-who-shouldn't-be-messed-with. And tonight I'm after Allison Hart! The chosen one. Blah! She's the weakling of your so called pack. She doesn't deserve it! Come on vampires! Let's play!"

The battle had begun again. I just stood there shocked. I'm definitely going to die now. If he's the so called 'dark one', he must be pretty hardcore. He came over to me and looked angry. He was much taller and better built than me. I'm in big trouble.

"Hello, darling," he greeted.

"Er...hello," I replied.

"Ah, so innocent," he started. "I hate it."

"Your ignorance is bliss," I said. "I'm so not innocent!"

I try to punch him, but he flipped me over. I curse under my breath. Meghan comes after me, but I donkey kick her. She goes flying. Now, I had to fight two vampires!

"Meghan! You foolish little girl! Let me handle this!" Kyle yelled.

"I was doing fine until you showed up!" She exclaimed. "I am the chosen one, after all."

"Chosen one, chosen one! That's your excuse for everything!" He yelled."Always mom and dad's favorite, just because you're the chosen one! You can't even throw a decent punch!"

"Um, I'd hate to interrupt this sweet family moment, but-" I started, then I punched Kyle in the face.

"F*ck!" He exclaimed as he touched his face and saw blood.

"Finally put you in your place, aye Kyle," I joked. "You vampires are to easy."

"I'm just taking it easy on you," he explained. "We all know vampires are the superiors. Unlike you little mutts."

"You're so full of shit, Kyle!" I exclaimed.

He stands up and runs at me with full force, but then gets pushed over. I look and to see the crew plus Terrance.

"Thanks you guys, but I could've handled it by myself," I explained.

"You were about to get knocked out," Tyler admitted.

"Well, yeah, but-" I started.

"Are you okay?" Terrance asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You?" I questioned.

"Never better," he joked as Meghan screeched.

"I should probably get back to that," I said.

"Come on, lover boy," Gabriel muttered as he drags Terrance away.

I kick Meghan hoping she'll stay down long enough so I could scratch her when the sun comes up. I could only do it as the sun came up, so she had to get weaker until then. I looked around to see Sarah and Annabelle fight like they've been doing it there whole lives. I see Rubin and Elouise too. Larry and Taylor, May, The Crew, dad, and Terrance all fighting. I'm shocked when I realize if any of the died it was my fault. They volunteered for me! Ugh, I just wanted this to be over.

Meghan slowly rises and punched me in the side of my face. I fall to the ground and my head hits the ground with a thud. Everything starts to spin. The world around me I used to know, is now slowly fading. I tried to gather up all my strength to get up. I couldn't die now. I just realized that everybody is fighting for me and if I die this is a waste of time. I could see everyone's face. Dads eyes went hollow at the sight. Terrance dropped to his knees. The crews mouths dropped. A tear fell down Elouise's face. Rubin hugged his sister. Larry and Taylor hugged. Sarah and Annabelle stood staring blankly. May closed her eyes. As the world went black and they watched me die, I knew all of them were thinking one thing.

It's over.
Hello. No school today! We had a band concert today and it got cancelled! Tomorrow is the fish fry at my church and I can't wait, because they cook the best food! Omg, Im hungry just thinking about it! Oh, and if you were wondering I was trying to make Kyle sort of act like Peter Pan from Once Upon a Time. I even used the quote- Come on boys, lets play. I made the banner at the beginning! I know it's trash but it's okay, I guess. Anyways, have a nice day!

The Untold Story of a Wallflowerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें