Chapter Twelve

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It was a Saturday. Like any other morning, I'm up and training at the Werewolf Department. It's 5:00 in the morning. I really wished that the vampires would just come already.

I finished my round of 50 pull-ups, then I went to start my laps when Leon came in. He walked over to my trainer and whispered something to him. He looked mad, but then waved his hand over to me.

"Miss.Hart, let's go," Leon called out.

I walked over to him and followed him. He took me to a room under the stairs. I've never been here before. It looked like a huge mall.

"What are we doing here?" I questioned.

"The Werewolf Protection Society is coming, and you can't look like that," he explained. "So, let's see here. A dress would be to much, but would a skirt be appropriate?"

"Um," I muttered.

"Sorry, the departments stylist is on maternity leave," he apologized. "Okay, um- try this on."

I go into the dressing room and put on a stripped black and white skirt and a black crop top. I liked it, I guess. It wasn't really my style though.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Okay, they'll be hear any minute. Here's some deodorant. Not because you smell bad, but because- well yeah. Oh yeah, here's some flats, and- um- oh my goodness there here!" He exclaimed as we walk.

He shoves me into a board room and I toke my seat.

"Oh good, she's here," The head werewolf says. "Miss. Hart, meet the leader of the Werewolf Protection Society."

"Hello, Miss," he greeted.

"Hi, sir," I greeted.

"And this is my son, Terrance," he explained.

"Hello," he greeted in a thick British accent.

He was tall, he had midnight black hair, blue eyes, and he was very attractive. I just sat there and stared like an idiot. He was very, very attractive.

"Oh! Hello," I said after awhile.

I'm pretty sure I turned tomato red. I stared down at my feet as a few people chuckled.

"Anyways, let's get started," the Head Werewolf said. "So, we've received word that the vampires are planning something. We don't know what, but they're laying low right now."

"The blood moon is approaching very soon. I expect that you're getting in your required training, Miss.Hart," The leader said.

"Yes, sir. In fact, I'm going back right after the meeting," I explained.

"Yes, very well. Rumor has it there is a new girl in town, is this true?" He questioned.

"Yes. I'm keeping a close eye on her. Her name's Meghan McCormick and she supposedly from Pasadena, California. Elouise, Rubin, and I tried to figure out what side she's on, but we think she's...human," I explain.

"Well, that will be trouble," the leader said.

"If you don't mind me asking, why is one human so much trouble here?" I questioned.

"Well, you see, this town is mostly invisible to humans," The head werewolf explained.

"Oh, okay," I said.

"I think that will be all for this meeting. Thank you, Miss. Hart, for giving us some of your time. You may go now," the leader explained.

I got up and left the room. I walk down the stairs, but then I fall on the last step. Someone ran into me.

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