Chapter Ten

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The next morning was dreadful. I gave dad a vague explanation why my phone was broken. I put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt and put my hair in a ponytail. I said goodbye to dad, then I grabbed my backpack. I walked to school. It was a chilly morning. My stomach growled as I walked, because I purposely skipped breakfast.

When I go to school, I went straight to my locker. People stared as I walked past them. My eyes were all puffy and my hair was messy. I tossed and turned last night. This is was stupid. Kyle is just some boy. I walked to class and took my seat. We had at least fifteen minutes until the first bell, but I didn't want to deal with the social crowd.

Soon, first hour started. Mrs. Hunt began to take attendance. I was shocked to see Elouise and Rubin were absent! Maybe they just had an appointment. What was I so worried about? Though, something inside of me told me something was wrong. I snapped out of thought when Mrs. Hunt called my name.

"Miss. Hart?" Mrs. Hunt questioned.

"Yes?" I reply.

"Come here, please," she summoned.

I got out of my seat and walked slowly to her desk. Her desk was a very cluttered area. She had papers piled high and lots of chip bags. She also had lots of trinkets and fun things.

"Here is your work from yesterday," she explained as she handed me a packet. "It's funny how lots kids get sick on full moons!"

"Yeah...weird," I mutter.

The rest of the hour dragged on. I was happy to see Elouise and Rubin show up in gym. Maybe they had an appointment after all. I tried to talk to them, but they ignored me. I felt bad for being annoyed on their first day. I guess I never realized that they were really just trying to protect me. And on this particular day, the day after the full moon, I learned why.

"Guys? Why aren't you talking to me?" I questioned.

"Just go away!" They both snapped.

I walked away from them and into the lunch room. Then, I had a feeling they had walked away. I turned around and saw them walk outside. I looked back into the lunch room and slowly walked to the door. I walked outside and followed Elouise and Rubin.

'I can't believe I'm doing this!' I thought to myself.

I follow them as they walk down the street and into the woods. I didn't think they knew I was there, but after walking a few miles they acknowledged me.

"Why did you follow us?" Rubin questioned without turning around.

"I had a bad feeling," I explained.

"Well, we can't hid it from her for forever," Elouise pointed out to Rubin.

"Ugh, fine!" He started. "We're... werewolves and we've been assigned to protect you."

"Are you serious?" I question.

"Yes," they both said in unison.

"Wait...protect me from what?" I asked.

"People like Kyle," Elouise explains.

"And by people like Kyle you mean?" I questioned.

"Vampires," Rubin stated.

"Oh my- no- no way-" I stuttered. "Why are you protecting me from vampires?"

"Well- um- you see- they're sort of out to get you, but you're- you're okay- I'm mean you're not, but like- er never mind," Rubin explained.

"Okay, so what you're telling me is you're both werewolves and people like Kyle, who are vampires, are out to get me!" I exclaimed. "You've got to be joking!"

"'fraid not," Elouise said.

I start laughing uncontrollably. It was like a panic attack sort of thing.

"So, he never liked me?" I asked.

"Um...not really," Elouise started. "But don't worry, you're going to destroy him."

"And how exactly am I going to do that?" I questioned.

"With a little training," Rubin answers.

"One more question," I said. "Where are we going?"

"See for yourself," Rubin replied as he moves a tree branch out of the way.

At first I don't see, but then a huge building appears. I looks like any other building. A boring office building. When I get closer I see the sign:
Werewolf departments Inc.

We walk inside. Its like a future world. There's people working on inventions, there's a pool, flying, workout room, library, movie theater, schools, and stuff like that. It was a madhouse, but it was awesome.

"We have to go report back to headquarters, but you just stay put," Elouise explained. "Leon will be with you in a minute."

With that, she walk away. I was left in a tsunami of strangers. I looked around. It was an enormous facility. There's people working at desks and kids running around. Just then, a young man came up to me.

"Hello, Allison. My names Leon and I'm your overseer," he explained. "If you'd follow me this way."

We walk to the far right of the building there's a door. He's explains that it's the recreational center. Then, there's a long hallway, and that's the eating hall. Then, on the far left, there's the training center. The long hallway on this side is hospital wing. Then, we go upstairs. There's a lot of offices. Leon tells me there's a many different departments that have a special purpose. Like one keeps humans from knowing werewolves exist, and another is in charge of the people who keep vampires and werewolves at peace. Like what dad does.

"Okay, now that you've seen the building, it's time to head to your meeting," Leon explained.

"What meeting?" I questioned.

"The meeting about you, of course," he explained. "And we're late!"

We run to the back of the offices, were the meeting hall is. We walk in and there is a long table with lots of adults there. There's one open black swivel chair at the far end of the table. They greet me and Leon gives me a little push. I walked over to the chair and sit down.

"Okay, now that we're all hear, let's begin," the lady at the head of table explained. "I'm Head Werewolf Charlotte Adams."

"Okay, let's get right down to business," a older man with grey hair said.

"Alright then, Allison, there is a vampire vs. werewolf war going on right now," she starts. "And your the only one who can stop it."
Hello! I'm in a much better mood than last update. Sorry, about that by the way. Anyway, tomorrow's Valentine's Day! Blah! I'm off school today and Monday. Yay! And yet again I'm obsessed with a new song now. It's a dubstep song called Scumbag by Bro Safari! It's amazing! Anyways, follow, comment, and vote!


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