Chapter Seven

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I tried to avoid Elouise and Rubin all I could (I'd come to realize I was avoiding a lot of people). They were really strange! No matter where I went, they would always be right by my side. I appreciate they're friendship, but they were starting to creep me out. They were always whispering weird things about keeping me safe and stuff like that. I was extremely glad when school was over. I just hoped they wouldn't show up at practice, but they did. They sat up in the stands and watched.

"Okay, everyone listen up! Fifty sit-ups, push-ups, squats, jumping jacks, and lunges. Then, hold a plank for sixty seconds and then a wall sit for sixty seconds," Coach explains. "Okay, go!"

I start my sit-ups and glare at Elouise and Rubin. They were sitting up at the top bench, and smiling like idiots. After I finished my sit-ups, push-ups, squats, jumping jacks, lunges, and planks I did my wall sit. After I finished that I went to go run the mile. I finished that in no time, then I went back to the locker rooms. When I got done changing, Elouise and Rubin were waiting outside.

"Will you guys please just go away!" I exclaimed.

"We can't," Rubin stated.

"Why not!" I whined.

"Well, not until you are home completely safe," Elouise explained.

"Why? I'm completely fine by myself," I reassured.

"Sure you are," Rubin said sarcastically.

When I got home, I walked inside and slammed the door. Finally, they were gone. Dad was at work, so I was home alone. I didn't know what he did, but he obviously had a job. I took a shower, then plopped down on the couch. I turned on the tv. There was breaking news on. Apparently, there was witnesses complaining that on the highway there was a big flash, then a boom and most of the cars got into an accident. There was also witnesses saying they saw a couple of strange figures in the woods. I rolled my eyes and changed the channel. I sat back and watched Teen Wolf. Just then, I heard dads car pull up. Then, he came and collapsed in the doorway.

"Dad! What happened to you?" I questioned as he crawled through the doorway.

He was all dirty and bloody. He could barley talk, like he just ran all the way across town.

"Allison, I'm fine. I've just had a ruff day," he explained as I closed the door.

"No, you're not okay!" I exclaimed."What happened?"

"It's a long story," he stated as he stood up.

"Well, we've got all day," I started."Start talking."

We walked to the kitchen and sat down. I handed dad the first aid kit and he began to explain.

"Well, I'm pretty sure you turned on the tv in my absence," he started as I nodded. "Im just going to come right out and say it...I was responsiblefor the flash and boom."

"You? What? How?" I questioned.

"I was being chased and I nearly got killed," he explained.

"What? By who?" I asked.

"A vampire," he stated.

"Oh- wait what!" I exclaimed.

"A vampire," he says again.

"Vampires aren't real," I said.

"They are real as you and I," he reassures. "As real as our kind."

"What exactly is our kind?" I questioned, swallowing hard.

"Werewolves," he replied.

I nearly fell out of my chair. I immediately thought he was joking, so I started cracking up. He just looked at me seriously, so I stopped laughing.

"You mean I'm a Werewolf?" I question.

"Yes," he replied.

I was speechless. He had to be kidding. This is not happening to me. All in all, this has been a strange day.

Hello! I'm like literally obsessed with the song Shell Shocked by Juicy J, Wiz Khalifa, Ty Dolla Sign, and a bunch of other rappers. I think it was made last year for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. I've listened to it like 10 times in a row now! Omg it's the best! Anyways,
Until next time...follow,comment,and vote!

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