Chapter Six

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I walked down the hallway to lunch. As I walked by, people whispered and threw things at me. I tried not to cry, or care, at that matter. It had been a week and everyone in the whole school already knew. Even some 8th graders knew.

On a lighter note, I made the cross country team! I avoided Elena all I could at practice, but I'm pretty sure she's out to get me. Now, I sat alone at lunch. I liked it better that way, anyways. I didn't exactly fit into the popular crowd.

Kyle and I have become pretty close, since he saved me. Since we're in different grades, I don't see him as often. We walked to class together, and after school to our lockers. The night he saved me, my dad knew I had left. He wasn't mad, though. The conversation was very awkward, but he didn't know that Kyle and I had cuddled together.

I arrived in the cafeteria, and sat down. I opened my lunch bag and ate my turkey sandwich. Now that I sat alone, I could read while I ate. I was reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Surprisingly, it was a good book. Just then, I heard someone sit down at my table. I looked up from my book to see a boy with blonde hair, blue eyes and a girl with chestnut hair and brown eyes.

"Do you mind if we sit here?" The boy asked.

"No, not at all," I replied.

"I'm Rubin, Rubin Hyde," the boy explained.

"And I'm Elouise Laflamme," the girl announced.

"Hi, I'm Allison Hart," I muttered. "Are you new?"

"Yes, we just moved here yesterday," she explained.

"Are you guys siblings?" I questioned.

"Step-siblings, actually," Elouise corrected.

"Where did you move from?" I asked.

"Um, we-we moved here from..."he started. "Iowa, yeah that's it."

"Oh, okay," I started. "I just moved her a couple weeks ago from Pasadena."

"Why would you want to move here, it's so warm there," Rubin joked.

"I had some family issues," I explained.

"Well, my sister and I are glad to have met you. You seem like a nice girl," he complimented.

"Uh, thanks," I say.

Just then, Kyle walked in. I wondered what he was doing here. He walks over to our table.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in class?" I question.ed

"I had to run an errand for Ms. Stow. She needed me to get some more health forms from the gym teacher," he explained. "And since I had to walk across the cafeteria anyways, I thought I'd say hi to your favorite girl."

He kissed my forehead and gave me a hug. Then, he continued walking.

"Who is that?" Elouise asked.

"His names Kyle. He's a junior," I explained.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Rubin questioned.

"Not exactly," I said.

"But you like him, right?" Rubin asked.

"You could say that," I replied.

"He must be pretty special, the way you look at him," Rubin examined. "I wonder if he's as true to you as you are to him."

"What are you implying?" I questioned.

"All I'm saying is-well how much do you really know about him?" He asked.

"A lot, actually," I snapped.

"Did you ever wonder how he got to you so quickly?" He questioned.

"Well, I guess I don't-wait, how do you know about that?" I questioned.

"Oh, well I-um she- they um..." He stuttered. "All I'm saying is to be careful. Please."

"Why are you telling me to be careful? You don't even know him!" I exclaimed.

"It's for your own good, Allison," Elouise said.

"You barley even know me!" I exclaimed.

"Please, Allison, just stay away from him," Rubin begged.

"Whatever," I muttered as I throw my stuff away and walk out of the cafeteria.

At that point, I knew, something strange was going on here.
Hello people of earth! It's finally Friday! I'm really hungry right now, even though I just ate some gold fish. Anyways, I made a cast! Yay! Here you go:
Allison Hart~Grace Phipps
Kyle Gray~ Logan Lerman
Andrea~ Chloë Grace Moretz
Elena~Lucy Hale
Rubin Hyde~ Thomas Sangster
Elouise Laflamme~ Emma Roberts
Just saying, Logan Lerman is bae;) And Thomas Sangster mine xD


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