Chapter Eight

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"You've got to be kidding me!" I exclaimed.

"No, it's true," dad sighed. "I would've told you a long time ago, but your mother refused."

"Is she a werewolf, too?" I questioned.

"No, she's mortal. That's why we separated. She didn't know I was a werewolf until after we got married and was pregnant. She didn't want a 'freak' like me around you," he explained."Tell me why did your stepfather kick you out?"

"Well, there was a lot of shouting in the living room. Then, mother came up to my room and told me to pack my bags," I answered.

"The truth is, your mother told him that you're half werewolf and he didn't want to be associated with a 'freak'," dad explained.

"Oh my god, this is to much," I muttered as I put my head on the table. "She just let me go like that!"

"You shouldn't be mad at your mother. After all, she single handedly raised a werewolf child on her own," dad explained. "And let me tell you, raising a werewolf isn't easy. As toddlers, werewolves change in and out of werewolf form and throw tantrums. Her being a mortal, had some trouble."

"Dad, I think I need to go lie down," I said as I stand up.

"Oh, one more thing. Your first full moon will be tomorrow night," dad explained.

I groan and walk out of the room. I lay down on my bed. Tomorrow is going to be a living hell.
I woke up with a horrible head ache. I was also really hungry, and I smelled bacon. So, I flew out of my bedroom and down stairs.

"Good morning, Al's," dad greeted. "I see you've realized the pain that comes before changing."

"Yeah, my head really hurts!" I whined. "And I'm hungry!"

I slammed my fists against the table. I don't know why I was acting so strange. Just the life of a werewolf I guess. Dad hands me my bacon and eggs, and I nearly devour it. I was about to go get ready for school, but dad stopped me.

"Oh yeah, Al's, your not going to school," he explained.

"Wait, why?" I questioned.

"You're not going when you're acting like a mad man," he explains.

"Good point," I said. "Why aren't you going crazy?"

"That last only for your first year," he explained.

" more question," I started. "What else might I be expecting to go through today?"

"More head aches, being hyper, getting extremely angry, breaking things, and screaming," he explained.

"Oh great," I said as I groaned.

"Well, I hate to leave you on your first day, but you know, vampires never rest. And today's their strongest day," he explained as he grabbed his coat and left.

I walked into the living room and turned on the tv. I want to watch Teen Wolf, but it's not the most appropriate time. I flip to American Horror Story and watch about thirty seconds when I get really hungry.

I ran to the kitchen and threw the door open. It slammed into the counter. I take out leftovers from a few nights ago and eat it all. For some weird reason, I growled . I get down on all fours and run up the stairs. I go straight to my room and knock over my light. I pull all my sheets of my bed and basically destroyed the whole room.

I scream, then I fall to the floor with a brand new head ache. I crawl back downstairs and lay on the couch. I pull the blanket over me and fall asleep. It's extremely tiring being a werewolf.

When I wake up, I'm really angry. Now, this was getting ridiculous! I had had a enough. I threw my blanket across the room and groaned. I slammed my hand on the coffee table, and it collapsed.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath.

Just then, I got a text from Kyle.

Kyle: Where are you?

I looked at the clock. It was 8:30. 1st hour had just ended.

Me: I'm at home

Kyle: Are you okay?

Me: Not really

Kyle: I'll be right over

Me: But what about school

Kyle: I don't care! My favorite girl is sick!

Me: No! Stay at school, its more important.

Kyle: Okay fine, but after school I'm coming over

Me: No, it's fine you don't want to be around me. I'm really contagious

Kyle: Fine. I got to get to class. Get better soon. I miss you🙈💕

Me: Okay see ya later✌️😋

Kyle: Bye✌️

I turned off my phone and went to go lay back down. I suddenly felt weak. I fell onto the couch and went to sleep again. This went on until dad got home. It went back and forth between being tired and weak to being hyper and angry. I just wanted to get this over with.
Hello! I'm so tired, but I've had a great adventure today. My dad and I went all over the place looking for a movie called August Rush. I've also developed an obsession for Thomas Sangster today. He is so cute! Anyways, until next time...Follow,Comment, and Vote!

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