Chapter Fifteen

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Allison's dad P.O.V~
I watch as I watch my daughter get hit and fall to the ground. I want to scream and help her, but I can't move. I'm stuck. I'm getting hit with all the emotions at once. I regret not being with her as she grew up. Now, I watch helplessly as she dies. I'm the worst father in history! I should've spent more time with her. I should've visited her as kid, no matter what her mother said. I'm a complete failure! We should've started her training early, she should've known all along. Then, as a tear fell down my face, it happened.
Terrance's P.O.V~
I dropped to my knees. She can't be dying. She was the strongest girl I knew. She was to tough to die now. She can't be dying, not like this. She was suppose to save the day. She's suppose to be the hero. I never even got to tell her how I feel. I really, really liked her. She was so beautiful, funny, and smart. Why couldn't it be me? She deserves to live! She deserves to live the best life! She deserves it! I put my head in my hands and I take one last look, but what I see, I can't believe my eyes.
Elouise's P.O.V~
Oh, no! No, no, no! That did not just happen. She can't be dying! Come on Al's get up! My first mission completely ruined! Wait, that sounded selfish. Let me rephrase that. Allison is dead! This is horrible. A tear fall down my face. She was like my best friend in the whole world. She was always there. She can't be dead! Not like this, but then it happened! It happened!
Rubin's P.O.V~
I hugged Elouise. She began to cry. I couldn't stand to look. Allison was one of my best friends! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm sort of in love with her. I usually yelled at her and got mad, but she was so beautiful and smart and funny! I usually stumbled on my words when I talked to her. I can't believe I'm never going to be able to tell her. As I turned to look once more, I realized what had happened. Elouise and I began to go crazy!
May's P.O.V~
Oh. My. Gosh. Come on, Allison, get up! We're fighting for you here! You can't just die! We're all counting on you! I want to scream at her to get up, but I look around and see all her friends and family crying. I don't want to sound selfish. She was a good kid. I tear fell down my face. I can't believe we lost the war. It can't end like this! This would be the worst hero story ever. She's got to get up! Just then, it happened! She slowly began to rise. She used all the strength she had and jumped to her feet! All the werewolves went crazy! It happened it! It happened!
Allison's P.O.V~
My whole life seemed to fly by in a dream like memory. I thought about all the people who loved me. Dad, The wolf pack, Elouise, Rubin, and even Terrance. They all needed me. And with that simple thought, my eyes fluttered open. I wasn't down with this battle yet! I pushed with all my strength and got up. I stood up and faced Meghan.

"What? How? You can't be alive!" Meghan exclaimed.

"I'm not going down without a fight!" I yelled. "You see, I have people here. People that love me. They're the ones who kept me alive! I guess that's not how you do things in the vampire clan."

"Who needs love, when you have a powerful army!" Meghan exclaimed.

"Well, for starters, you could use some," I snapped as some of the werewolves go 'Ohhhh'.

"Hey, Meghan? You need a little ice for that burn?" Rubin joked.

"Oh, shut up!" Meghan exclaimed. "Enough talk! I've come close to killing you once, I can easily do it again! And this time, you will die!"

"Come on, Vampires! Let's do this!" Meghan screamed.

"Wolf pack! Attack!" I yelled.

Meghan and I walked in a circle, then I made the first move and punched her face. She hissed at me and elbowed me in the stomach. I grabbed her arm and twisted it. She winced in pain, and I howled. I forced her to the ground. I kicked he forward. The sun was just about to come up.

"No! Let me go!" Meghan screeched.

"Why would I do that?" I questioned as she squirmed. "Your cold hearted self needs to be put in her place."

The sun made its first appearance through the trees. I knew it was time. I scratched her cheek and she winced. I howled and the sun shines on Meghan. Her body glowed, then she disintegrated. All the vampire fled and the werewolves howled. We all went crazy.

"You did it!" Elouise cheered.

"I'm so proud of you!" Dad exclaimed.

"Allison! You did it!" May exclaimed.

"Woo!" The crew exclaimed as they dog piled me.

I did it! I actually did! This was the craziest thing that's ever happened! I thought I was going to die! It's not even funny how surreal this seems. I actually just saved the world! Well, sort of.
The next day, dad threw a party in my honor in our backyard. The whole werewolf community was there. All my friends and of course the wolf pack. May and I were sitting in beach chairs talking, when Rubin walked up.

"Hey, Allison," Rubin greeted.

"Hey," I replied.

"Can I talk to you, alone?" He asked looking at the May.

"Uh, sure. See you around, May," I said.

May waved and I got up. Rubin and I walked to the front of the house. We sat on the front porch. It was beautiful evening. You could see the sun set from there.

"So, what's up?" I questioned.

"Well, you see- um- I mean- you're so- I mean I wanted to tell you that- er- I-I," he stuttered.

"Uh, sorry, what was that?" I asked.

"I wanted to tell you that I think I might be- um- in love with you," he admitted.

I was completely in shock. I never would've thought, out of all people, Rubin would like me. Don't get me wrong, he's in incredible guy. He's so handsome, he's nice, he's got nice eyes, he's funny and clever, and it's really adorable when he stumbles over his words. Oh. My. Goodness. I don't like him do I?

"Oh," I said.

"I know, you're probably completely disgusted by me. I'm the ugliest thing you've ever seen in your life. I understand. It's stupid for me to think you would ever think of me as something other than a friend," he sighed as he gets up to leave.

"No, Rubin, wait," I said. "I think it's extremely adorable that you would tell me now, like this."

"You do?" He questioned as he smiles.

"When have I ever lied to you?" I asked as I look him straight in the eyes.

His eyes glisten when he smiles. He is extremely attractive. I can't believe I've never noticed before. Rubin puts his hand on my cheek, and he moves closer. Then, he smashed his lips against mine and we kiss. I snake my hands around his neck. We break this kiss and I look him in the eyes.

"I think I love you, too," I whispered as he smiles and kisses me again.
I've learned a very valuable lesson from this. That lesson is love. Everybody has someone who loves them. It doesn't matter who it is or how shattered it is, it's still very important. Don't ever feel like you're alone, because you never are. Love is always going to be there, it never fades and it never goes away. Even though my dad was never there, he still never gave up on loving me. Elouise and Rubin, my best friends in the whole world, they became my friend when no one else would. The wolf pack, they will always have my back, and they still do today. Even though Terrance went back to England, where the Werewolf Protection Society is based, he still writes. He's still my friend. So, basically, all I'm trying to say is you'll always be loved and you're not as alone as you feel.

You're never as alone as you feel.
The End!!!!
Hello! I feel like I just started writing this yesterday! This was to short wasn't it:( Sorry about the weird P.O.V's at the beginning, but it seemed like a good idea. Anyways, I was listening to GDFR by Flo Rida writing this whole chapter, because honestly it helped write the battle scenes:p But I hope you enjoyed this story! Wolf Pack Forever! Anyways, have a nice day!


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