Chapter Three

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I leave the locker room and head to lunch. Since I've been there for a week, I knew my way around pretty well. Today was the cross country tryouts, and dad was making me go.

I grabbed a lunch tray and the lunch lady gave me my food. Today's special was a chicken sandwich. Usually school food was gross, but at high school level it's pretty good. I tried to sit alone, like everyday, but they always came back to sit with me. They're not the most ideal friends. There what you'd call-the popular kids. They are somewhat nice to me, but I think there's something else going on.

"So, Allison, there's a party tomorrow night. You should go," Andrea explained.

"No thanks. I'm not really a party kind of girl," I explained as I get up and throw away my left overs.

"Well, if you change your mind it's just down the street from the school. Third house on the left," she explained as I walk away.

The rest of the day goes by fast. Then, it was time for tryouts. I went into the locker room and change into shorts and a t-shirt. I put on my shoes and walk to the track.

"Okay! Listen up!" Coach yells. "I hope you're all stretched, because we're about to warm up in three minutes!"

I do a quick stretch and line up with everyone else on the track.

"Okay, first get into groups of five so this will be easier!" He exclaims

I found four other people and stand next to them.

"You and you're group will run four laps around the track for your warm up," he explains.

Then, he numbered our groups off. We were the last group, so we just watched and waited. It took a good 10 minutes to get to our group. We got into the track and waited for his signal. I started to run, and soon I was way ahead of the rest of my team. Everybody stared in awe as I finished. They couldn't believe how fast I went.

Next, we each individually ran the mile. Coach timed each of us. When it was my turn, I ran it in 5 minutes! That may seem like a long time, but the fastest women ran it in 4:32. After we all finished, coach explained that most of us would make the team. He said he had to cut some people, because the team couldn't be to big. After that we all went back to locker rooms.

"Hey! You!" A girl yelled as I walk into the locker room. "It's lighting girl!"

"It's the new girl that's trying to take over our team!" she snapped.

"No, no I'm just here to have fun," I explained.

"Then, why were you showing off out there?" She questioned.

"I wasn't trying to-" I started.

"Whatever," she interrupted.

"You wanna fight? Let's fight!" I exclaimed.

"No! Not here anyway," she explained. "Tomorrow night at Trisha's party! And if you don't come I'll make sure the whole school knows what a wimp you are!"

"Deal!" I exclaim as I grab my bag and storm out of the locker room.

I'm so going to that party!
Hey. I like cross country! I've always wanted to do it, but...I don't really have an excuse:/ Anyways, don't forget to follow, comment, and vote!


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