Chapter Eleven

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"What?" I questioned.

"Let me explain it a little more thoroughly," she started. "It all started around sixteen years ago. Around the time you were born. We have had a feud with the vampire community for a few hundred years now, but in the last sixteen years they've invaded us. We need this to end now. You are the one we need, because when you were born, you were the first baby born of werewolf blood under the new born moon."

"If I could interrupt you there, I have a few questions," I interrupted.

"Oh yes, ask away dear," she replied.

"First off, why are we feuding?" I asked.

"Over our differences, our needs, and our ways of life," she explained..

"Okay. Secondly, what do you mean new born moon?" I questioned.

"Every couple thousand year, the moon dies and a new one is born. Werewolves and vampires are very in touch with the moon, and humans don't know about the new moon, because they can't tell. It's the littlest differences only we can see," she explained.

"Okay, you can continue now," I said.

"So, there is a chosen vampire too. He or she is just as powerful as you. There is a blood moon coming up soon and that's when we will battle. You and the other chosen one will battle, and in order to complete the chosen one task you must scratch her. Then, when the sun rises the blood will show and the vampires will be defeated. Though, if she bites you, your done for," she explained.

"So, I'm going to die in the process!" I exclaim.

"Not necessarily," She says. "With a some training, you'll do fine. Everyday after school perhaps."

"Everyday after school! No, I can't do that! I have cross country practice, and we have our first meet coming up!" I exclaimed.

"Think about it, Allison, you'll be letting done the entire werewolf community! Not to mention the entire population will be wiped out! Do you really want to be responsible for that?" A woman spoke out.

I sit back in my chair and close my eyes for a second, then I lean forward and put my hands on the table.

"So, are you in?" The head werewolf questioned.

"Eh, why not," I muttered.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go!" My trainer screamed.

I was doing suicides. They were the most painful things. I've been here for more than three hours. School probably just got out and I'm probably in huge trouble, but oh well. I finish my suicides and almost collapsed to the ground. I reached for some water and gulp it down.

"When can I start learning how to fight?" I questioned.

"When you get into shape," he stated."No offense."

"And yet I'm still offended!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry," he muttered as I leave the training center. Leon is waiting for me outside the door.

"Did you have a good day?" He questioned.

"Hardly," I muttered.

"Well, see you tomorrow," he said as he shoves me gently out the door.

"Wait! Quick question. How do I get home?" I asked.

"Turn right and walk straight. You'll come to your backyard in a few minutes," he explained.

"Right, thanks," I said. "But how do I get here"

He already left. I drop the question and start walking. It was around 4:00, and dad doesn't get home until 6:00. I hope he isn't mad I skipped school, and after all, I am trying to save the world. Well, Blue Ridges population of werewolves, but I am killing someone in the process...okay you get the point.

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