(2) Cold As Ice

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Adrianna and her girls got themselves ready for the charity ball. For the first time she wasn't dreading a ball. Back before college she hated having to wear a dress but tonight she couldn't wait. They had heard through the grapevine that the boys were back in town too. 

When the girls had arrived the boys had already been there awhile. Bucky and them were standing around. He had one arm around Peyton's waist while he held his bourbon and coke. They were all laughing at Sam's joke when movement at the top of the stair case caught Bucky's attention. 

"Is that Adrianna?" Peyton said as Bucky was about to take a sip. 

He did a double take as she and the girls descended down the stairs. 

"Damn..Vannah looks good." Sam said

"Sam.." Bucky whispered as his eyes followed his ex best friend Adrianna who looked like a goddess in all red and hair sleeked back in a long low ponytail. 

Bucky shook his head to shake the thoughts away. She greeted her parents with smiles and kissed cheeks. 

"God what happened to her? She use to not be so girly..remember in high school how she was all I hate game days cause I hate having to dress up." Peyton said in a mocking tone. 

"Yeah I do. That's when the girls basketball coach told her she didn't have to wear a dress she could wear dress pants and a nice shirt." Bucky said as Peyton's comments brought him back to reality. 

What Bucky couldn't see as he led Peyton on the dance floor. Steve and the boys were watching the girls dance and laugh. Back in highschool their friendship group was split down the middle when Bucky and Adrianna became cold towards each other. The boys took his side and the girls took her side. 

Adrianna danced with her dad and her grandfather. She was all smiles all night while she was at the bar. Bucky came up behind her as he got a refill.

"Ms Lancaster.." he said 

She picked up her dirty martini and walked away. He took a big drink of his bourbon and whispered "Still a cold hearted bitch I see.." as he grabbed Peyton's wine glass. 

Shortly after the night was over the boys were all in their living room. 

"The fued continues boys. She still hates my guts for some unknown reason. I tried to say hi and she cut me a cold look and walked away." Bucky said 

"What did you do all those years ago?" Clint said

"I don't know. Do you think if I knew that we would still be here at this point." Bucky said 

"Well it's ridiculous that we can't even be in the same room without them giving dirty looks." Steve said 

"You are just mad Rogers. Cause just as their friendship dissolved you were on the cusp of confessing your love for Natasha." Sam said 

"Shut up Wilson." Steve said 

"Steve I'm sorry.." Bucky said as he went upstairs. 

In Manhattan the girls were unwinding in Adrianna's apartment. 

"I can't believe of all the things he expected you to be nice. That's some stupid shit." Savannah said 

"Right." Adrianna said 

"I'm so glad that is the only time we may ever run into them." Natasha said 

"Amen to that sister!" Yelena said with a hiccup as she held up a bottle of fireball. 

They all started laughing they were all wasted off their butts. 

"What I really can't believe is Peyton still being in the picture..like that shocked me." Wanda said 

"I know shocked the hell out of me too." Bobbi said 

"Who knows how many times she's cheated on his ass. She's a serial cheater..she loves attention that stupid bitch." Yelena said 

"Remember that time you beat her ass Dria oh my god you tore her ass up.." Wanda said

"I know I did. It was the best fight of my life she didn't stand a chance against me. I may be tiny but I can sure pack a punch." She said 

They all started laughing again before heading off to bed. 

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