(4) Christmas Drama

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Six months later

It had been six long months of rebelling against the fact that they did not want to marry each other. It was Christmas Eve everyone was gathered at the Barnes estate for dinner. Savannah and Adrianna rode together. When they walked in Maxwell walked over to his two youngest grand daughters. 

"My babies. Merry Christmas my little boo bears." He said as he hugged them. 

"Merry Christmas grandpa." They both said in unison. 

Phyllis came over to join them. "Oh honey child Adrianna you are serving up some looks tonight." She said as she hugged her. 

"Thank you grandma." Adrianna said 

"And Vannah baby. When are you gonna stop putting the pink in your beautiful hair." She said 

"I know you don't like it." Savannah said as she hugged her. 

Bucky seen her making her way to her parents. "Seriously..what is up with her?" Peyton whispered 

"I have no idea." Bucky said 

Savannah brought them some Christmas mimosas as they all waited to eat. They all mingled and had a great time. Each table had a two fondue pots and all the ingredients to fondue. The night was going well besides all the dirty looks James Sr was serving his grandson for bringing Peyton. 

Once most of the families started to go home after opening gifts. James Sr and Maxwell requested to speak to the two future CEOs. They went inside the main house with them and their parents trailing behind them. 

"So..we clearly need to have a chat. It's been six months since we broke the news to you two. And yet here we are like sitting ducks. You two will either do are you are told or no CEO position for either one of you. And you will be cut off financially." Maxwell said 

"That's not fair. I hate him!" Adrianna said

"I don't want to marry her. Or was you to busy giving me dirty looks grandpa to notice that Peyton is my girlfriend." Bucky said 

"I don't care who you are in relationship with. I have never liked that Bishop girl to begin with she is a bad influence on you . And all she is going to do is keep on using you for money." James Sr said 

"So get it together or no financial help from us." Maxwell said 

"This is so stupid! For years you all have known my career goal! Not once was it ever mentioned that it would be merging. But now out of nowhere it is because I'm taking over. Is it because I don't have a penis do you think I can't do it alone so I have to marry dumb ass here?" Adrianna said 

"Adrianna Taylor!" Phyllis said as she walked out slamming doors. 

The room felt like air had been sucked out of it. Savannah drove them home cause she was to upset to drive. For the last six months that's all she had thought about how it made her feel like she wasn't good enough. 

"I won't marry her. She and I are no longer speaking or friends. So I'll just come up with my own business if I can't have the one I was born to have." He said with tears in his eyes. 

"James honey." Winnie said 

"No mom. It's my turn and you all are ruining it!" He said as he left the main house as well. 

A week later Adrianna and the girls celebrated New Years Eve as they watched the fire works from the top of their building and champagne. Bucky was celebrating with the guys and Peyton as they watched from the local sports bar. 

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