(14) Turks

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Two months later

"Do we have everyone here?" Eugenie said as they were all getting checked in at the airport. 

"No we are missing James and Dria." Phyllis said 

"Where are they?" James said as he tried to call them. 

Bucky was standing at the bottom of the stair case at the penthouse ignoring his dad's call for the second time.

"Dria let's go! We are going to be late! They are already calling!" 

"Ugh! This is so stupid! Why? Why do we have to go on some big family vacation." She said as she dragged her suitcase behind her. 

"I don't know but bitching and moaning about it isn't going to solve anything." He said as they got on the elevator. 

Adrianna just rolled her eyes at his comment. Once the elevator opened up to the parking garage  he said "Look I hate this too..but we have to suck it up right now. This was your idea need I remind you." 

"You could of said no. I can't wait till we can sign divorce papers cause this was a bad idea." She said 

"I hate you too." He said as he opened the passenger side door for her. 

"Glad we can agree on something.." she said 

"Just get in the damn car Dria." He said 

She rolled her eyes at him. "Dria.." he said 

He walked over to her and picked her up. "Put me down.." she said as he put her in the car. 

"Look we hate each other. But we are married okay and right now I don't have time for this baby attitude you have today. Like I said bitching and moaning about isn't going to make the trip disappear neither is stalling. So shut up and put your big girl panties on and deal with it." He said before slamming the door shut. 

She crossed her arms and the ride to the airport was quiet.

"There they are." Maxwell said as he seen them. 

She greeted everyone with smiles and hugs before sitting down. But Winnie could sense that something was wrong.

"James you alright?" She whispered 

"Yeah mom everything is just peachy.." he said as he went to join his brothers. 

The flight went smoothly they had no more arguments. They landed in Turks and Caicos got rental cars for the adults and adult grandchildren. Their house looked like it sat on its own private island. They found their room on the third floor. 

"I'll take the couch." Bucky said in a low tone. 

"Okay.." she said as she laid her stuff down and stepped out on the balcony. It was already late and they were all tired so they all got settled and crashed. 

The next morning over breakfast James announced. "All the couples are going to go horse back riding today that includes you and Adrianna James." James Sr said

They both looked up from their plates. "Yes sir." Bucky said even though he was tired the couch was uncomfortable and all he wanted to do was take a nap. 

All the couples went to the horse stable and got their horses. They all were having fun and taking pictures of everything. They took a group shot where Bucky and Dria faked happy married couple smiles. The rest of the day she spent it with Savannah and Shelby by the pool. 

Bucky got in his nap then played beach football with his brothers and cousins. 

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