(13) Family Meeting

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A/n: Phyllis and Maxwell Lancaster,Eugenie and James Sr Barnes,James Jr and Winnie Barnes. Deacon and Yvonne Lancaster,Melody Lancaster (Deacon's sister). Beau and his wife Quinn, Elliot and his wife Rylee. Rebecca and Bucky's other sister. Penelope Lancaster Prescott Lancaster. Dria Savannah and Shelby. And Yvonne's sister Madelyn. 

A month later 

"Okay is this everyone?" Phyllis said as she began to count heads.

"It's every one.." Eugenie said 

"Okay now the reason why we asked everyone to be here today. Because well we are doing something that we haven't done in awhile." Eugenie said 

"What's that?" Winnie said 

"A vacation. As in Lancaster/Barnes vacation. We all use to have so much fun together and now that they are back home from college we can finally go again." Phyllis said 

Everyone was talking all over each other about where they wanted to go. 

"Shh.." Phyllis said 

"We have already decided where we are going. We are going to Turks and Caicos at the end of May. We got us a house that sits right on the beach. We are going to have all kinds of family fun." Maxwell said 

"The great grandchildren will share one of the bunk bed bedrooms it has. Savannah and Shelby will have the double bed bedroom. Becca you and your sister can share a bed room that has two beds in it. Since you five are the last ones to be unmarried." James Sr said 

Bucky felt Adrianna's mood shift. He wasn't happy about this either this meant no sex at all for either one of them. 

"How long are we going to be gone for?" Adrianna said 

"Two weeks. I figured we all could use a little sunshine and family time." Maxwell said 

"Yeah." Adrianna said 

"So everyone go ahead and put in for it at work. Cause we will be leaving that first Monday and won't be back till the second Monday of June. So we are letting you all know now that way you can put in for it at work early." James Sr said 

That night on the way home. 

"What are we going to do now? This was your idea Dria oh let's get married and pretend around them. How are we suppose to be now on this trip." Bucky said 

"You shut up right now! Don't you yell at me! I didn't know that they were going  to do this. Just like the wedding and the honeymoon. I wish we could just end this right now!l she said

"Dria.." he said 

""Just drive.." she said as she wiped a stray tear. 

Everyone was added to a group text to let everyone know who had been approved. Everyone in the family had been approved to go on the upcoming family vacation. 

"Great just fucking great.." she said 

"We will figure out how to hide the fact that we haven't shared a bed in a year or almost year half. " he said as they sat on the terrace. 

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