(18) A Special Gift

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Two and half months later. 

"Babe I'm home..do you feel better?" Bucky said as he came off the elevator. 

Adrianna walked out of the bedroom. 

"I'm pregnant.." she said 

Bucky looked up from a text. "Wait..did you just say?" He said 

She smiled at him and shook her yes. "I took like six different tests. They all said positive." She said as he came over to her and kissed her. 

"We are having a baby.." he said with a smile. 


A week before Christmas they had their first ultrasound. 

"Okay so we have us one baby. We are 13 and half weeks pregnant. Due in June and baby has a strong heart beat and is growing in the correct gestational age." Dr Hollis said 

They both smiled so big. 

On Christmas morning they were all in Christmas pjs at Eugenie's house. Bucky passed the presents they had for their parents and grandparents. 

"Okay..these are from me and Dria. And we want all of you to open at the same time." He said as passed them out. 

He sat back down beside Dria. "Go ahead." She said 

They began to open the presents from them. To James Winnie Yvonne and Deacon they got a box. When they opened their boxes they removed the pink and blue tissue paper to reveal a pink and blue pacifier on top of a ultrasound. 

"Oh my god you are pregnant!" Yvonne said 

In James Sr and Eugunie Maxwell and Phyllis' box they had two onesies and a ultrasound. 

"Promoted to CEO Barnes in 2050." 

One was in pink and one was in blue. "Another great grand baby." Phyllis said 

"We are due in June." Adrianna said

"Aww I can't wait to hold my newest grand baby." Winnie said as she smiled so big. 

Bucky winked and nodded to her. She smiled and mouthed "thank you." 

"And thank you all for everything." Bucky said 

"Hold on..your gift from me and Phyllis. Will be your first vacation after the baby. You all will get a honeymoon redo. But this time we got you a over water bungalow in Montego Bay." Maxwell said 

"Oooo they'll be making baby #2 in no time." Beau said 

Bucky threw wrapping paper at him. "Shut up nobody asked you for an opinion." Bucky said 

"Boys." James said as he refereed them. 

"Thank you grandpa." She said as she began to help clean up. 

On New Year's Eve she was over the moon that she was starting to get baby bump at 16 weeks. Bucky and her watched the fireworks from their terrace as he kept his arms wrapped around her resting one hand on her bump. 

"Happy New Year baby." He whispered as he kissed her 

"Ditto. It's gonna be the best one yet!" She said as she kissed him.

"Oh hell yeah it is." He said as he picked her up and wrapped her legs around him as he carried her inside. 

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