Chapter 10

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**Kerry POV**

“So Pike, to what do I owe the pleasure?” “Kirk and I believe that you should know why you’re in here.” “I already know that I was poisoned.” “That’s one thing out of the way I guess.” Pike sat in the closest chair while Bones set about organizing his cupboards. “The poison used is called Aconitum and the only cure is activated carbon. Unfortunately the closest source is two days away. We are currently travelling there now.” “And what happens if we don’t get there in time?” “Well-” “Your organs will shut down completely and it will be painful.” “McCoy!” Pike was shocked at his straightforwardness. “This called for a little bit of delicate care!”

“She wanted to know.”

“It’s ok Pike, I did ask in the first place.”

“Well, we are doing everything we can to get there on time and McCoy will take very good care of you.”

“Thanks Pike, I appreciate it.” Pike stood up again and shook my hand. “I’m afraid I have duties to get back to. Goodbye.” Pike left and I was left along with Bones, still with a craving for cake. A sudden headache hit me and I felt tired, closing my eyes. I felt a sudden prick in my arm and opened my eyes to see Bones taking a needle out of my arm. “What did you do?” I asked, worried he had drugged me again. “It will stop the headaches for the time being,” He mumbled before returning to his work. “Thanks, I guess.” I was bored, staring at the ceiling until The Doctor walked in, wearing sunglasses and a party hat and one hand behind his back. “Doctor, why are dressed like that?”

“I heard form a certain Russian that you wanted some cake, so here.” Smiling he produced a piece of chocolate cake from behind his back. “Well, I couldn’t get any old cake plus I owned a visit so I took the TARDIS to see Shakespeare and boy does he know how to party. Anyway, there was drinking and dancing and poor old Shakespeare nearly ended up marrying a goat!” You smiled sadly, your cake all gone, as he rambled on. This didn’t go unnoticed though as The Doctor stopped talking. “What’s wrong?”

“I just thought I might die out here in space.”

“No you will not! I promised your mother that I would look after you. Plus I don’t want to upset the chief of police.” I laughed, remembering when I first met The Doctor. “I still can’t believe that I arrested you, and that my mother saluted when she met you!”

“I keep telling U.N.I.T that I don’t like it but, they never listen. Plus I didn’t know your mum knew U.N.I.T”

“Thanks for cheering me up Doctor, I needed it.”

“Thank Chekov, he told me you wanted the cake. I think somebody had an admirer.” He was grinning like a little kid, “What! No!” I tried to get up and hit him but Bones intervened. “You will stay in this bed! Doctor, as I have said before Kerry needs to rest. You can come back tomorrow.” The Doctor skipped out of the door happily. “See you later Kerry.” Before I could do anything Bones can over, needle in hand and drugged me and I quickly fell asleep.

**Kate POV**

“Why is it so important to for you know every detail?” I laughed. “I told you, he asked me to dinner and that’s it.” Uhura put on a frustrated expression, “How did he say it? Was he all shy about it or something?”

“Why does it matter? You’ll just spread something totally different anyway.” We were interrupted by an announcement for everyone to get to the bridge.

We were the last to arrive, I first spotted The Doctor on the other side of a rail in sunglasses and a party hat talking to Bones. “I’m not even gonna ask.” Kirk sighed. Bones forced a smile and The Doctor began to walk over to us. “I don’t think we have a choice.”

“We’re still at least a day away form Tenstorm, Doctor.” Kirk explained. “Wasn’t everyone supposed to come to the bridge?” Uhura pondered. “Yes why?”

“Well then where’s Chekov?” We all looked around but could not see him. “I saw him walk into the medical bay just as I was leaving” Bones came over and told us, his facial expression returning to normal.

We were all now curious. “I wonder why?” I new Chekov wasn’t one to disobey direct orders. A winked grin came crept on Uhura’s face. “Let’s go find out shall we?” Uhura, Kirk and I headed to the medical bay. As we approached we could hear talking and laughing. Carefully peeking around the door we smiled at what we saw. Kerry and Chekov were playing a game of snap, Chekov sitting on the end of the bed. Kerry was clearly happy and having fun, forgetting about her current situation. We headed back to the bridge, leaving them in peace. “Looks like somebody made a friend.” Uhura giggled. “They looked like they were having so much fun,” I added “It was so sweet.”

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