Scaredy cat

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Imagine Johnny being afraid of dogs. 🥰

"Hey Johnny!" I shout from downstairs in the living room. I hear his footsteps rapidly come down the stairs. I am currently sitting on the couch on my phone. I wanted to ask Johnny something for a long time now. He comes hurtling towards me and lands on top of me. "Oof! Johnny! Your heavy." I try to shove him off but he cuddles closer. "Hi baby, wassup?" I roll my eyes and leave him be. He seemed pleased I didn't try to move him. "I was wondering If we could get a pet. Maybe a dog?"

 Maybe a dog?"

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"Yeah sure!... Wait... What?" He looked half surprised, half terrified. "I want to get a dog!" I smile happily at him. "Come on, There's an animal shelter just down the street. I want to see if we can find a permanent little buddy." I clap my hands like a small child. "O-ok." Johnny pulls me closer and I mess with his hair a little bit. After a while of cuddling (Which means like four hours) we put on our shoes and walk to the shelter. I hold Johnny's hand the whole time, excitement running through me. We walk in and look around for a bit. We saw a lot of cats, birds, and for some reason, guinea pigs? Anyways, when we go to the very back of the shelter, I see a beautiful greyhound. He was completely covered in black fur and he was very tall. I saw him and instantly clicked. "This one." I say to Johnny, not taking my eyes off of the dog. "R-really?" Johnny spoke very quietly behind me. I nod my head rapidly. So, the woman at the front desk said we could take him out back and play with him to see how we do. I hold him on the leash tightly while Johnny was like six feet behind me. We put him in the pen and I play with him. It was amazing. "Johnny! Come here, this is awesome! He's so sweet!" I laugh as the dog boops me with his nose. "I'm good. I'll stay here." He backs up a little bit. I frown. "Johnny, what's wrong?" I walk over to him, the dog (Who's name you can pick) following closely behind. Johnny locks eyes with the dog and almost trips over himself to back up. I'm confused for a second. I gasp. "Johnny, are you afraid of dogs?" He slowly nods his head and his cheeks turn pink. "Why didn't you tell me?" I tell the dog to sit and he stays. I sit with Johnny for a while. "I-I was embarrassed. You seemed so excited to get a dog, I didn't want to discourage you." I put an arm around him. "What happened?" I obviously knew there was a story to this. "I was walking home from elementary school and two big dogs started coming after me. They were barking and it was very scary. I ran until I got inside my house." Aw. My poor baby. "It's ok now. This dog is friendly. I promise he won't hurt you." I whistle for the dog to come and he does. Johnny tries to walk away but I hold his hand. "Stick your hand out, like this." I stick my hand out as an example. He does the same and the dog sniffs Johnny's hand and licks it. He laughs slightly. In the end, Johnny got along well with him. Playing with him and running. I was so happy, we adopted him. 

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