Darlings and Devils Pt 2

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Waking up, I realize I have the most massive headache. I try to sit up but feel myself being restrained. Quickly I peel my eyes open and look around. I was in a dimly lit room that was slightly cold. Why am I here? Suddenly all the memories from last night flourish in my mind. I stifle my horrified gasp, nearly choking on my own sorrow. Leta was dead. I hear a door creak open and my head snaps up.

"So you are awake? Good. I really don't know why the Lord has us keep you alive but, whatever pleases him, I will do." 

The same woman from last night showed herself. It was the one that killed Leta. I bare my teeth at her, feeling my hatred towards her grow with every second she stands there, smiling at me. I writhe in my roped restrains, wanting to do more than just deliver some damage to her cheeky face.

"Oh, trying to escape are we? Might as well tell Krall and Abernathy you are up. Don't go anywhere." 

She waves at me and walks out of the room, closing the door behind her. I want to scream but I have to stay calm. I have to find a way out of here...

Grindelwald's Pov

I couldn't sleep for the past few nights. After my speech that woman... She broke through my spell. That's not possible. I twist some of my mustache in between my fore finger and thumb. She must be powerful. But how so? I smile suddenly. She tried to defeat me but Vinda got to her first. The affects of the Cruciatus are simply magnificent. But the woman's screaming felt... wrong. Yes, it gave me chills and excitement and yet, I wanted it to stop as soon as it started. 

I sigh. Rubbing my temples, I try to wash the image of her pained sobbing out of my mind. Honestly I don't know why I have Vinda. She killed one of many that could have been our allies. Or even if not that night, I could have persuaded her to join me at some point. I gently pick up my wand and organize the papers on my desk. 

A knock resonates at my office door. 

"Yes?" I lounge back in my chair as the door opens. 

"Grindelwald, Sir, she is awake..." 

Abernathy bows and steps to the side as I stand. Smirking and placing my hands behind my back, I walk towards him. 

"Let's see about our new found guest."

Y/N's Pov

I search the room, even though it was nearly too dark to see. Moving my wrists to try and loosen the rope wasn't doing any good either. It just made my wrists raw. The door creaks open once again and I freeze. 

"Hello there my dear." 

The voice was so clear and recognizable. 

"Grindelwald." I practically spit. 

I hear him chuckle. Heavy foot steps come nearer and nearer until the blonde man steps into the light. He has his signature smirk plastered on his face while I was glaring. 

"What do you want?" I grumble while retaining eye contact.

"For the moment, your name."

 He begins waking around my chair as I try to follow him with my gaze. 

"Why would you need my name if you are going to kill me? Is that not your intent?" I speak icily. 

He places a hand on his chest. 

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