Darlings and Devils Pt 3

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Y/N's Pov

I'm lost aren't I? I shouldn't have run off! I duck under branches of gnarled trees, making my way deeper into the forest. Several of them seem like arms reaching towards me, but I quickly disregard that thought. It doesn't seem too bad out here. Other than it being too dark to see, it's actually rather pleasant out here.

As if fate heard my thoughts and decided to twist them, I suddenly felt cold, empty. I look around, my breath becoming heavy. Whispers began to fill the darkness and fully surround me until, I swear I felt like I was in a room full of people. My eyes darted around, searching for the source of the noise. Then, a shadowy figure floats above my head. Dark robes covered this figure. Its face was hidden in a veil. I knew the creature too well.

Dementors. Nightmarish beings with gaping holes for mouths. Able to kill you and all of the good you've ever felt. I began running again even though my strength was nearly depleted. I could feel its cold, wintery breath on my neck.

For Merlin's sake, why did I run out here without a wand?! Just then, more dementors turned to face me and started forming a wall, trying to block my path. I duck past most of them but then feel my life being sucked out of me. I tried to scream, but the feeling of floating surrounded me.

"Get away from her!" I hear a voice and instantly look towards the shadows.

"Expecto Patronum!"

Blue ghoulish light surrounds me and forces the vile creatures to drop me. I fall to my knees, gasping for breath. Looking up, white blonde hair rushes in front of me. Grindelwald stood in a protective stance, shielding me from the view of the creatures. This angers them to the point that they screech as if in pain and charge. The cry seemed to have alerted more of them, and a flood of dementors came at us forming a circle of black fury.

Grindelwald kept firing the Patronus Charm at the beasts and I caught a glimpse of what it was while trying to regain my strength. A large Phoenix. It was beautiful but had a dangerous aura. Grindelwald was suddenly struck down, his wand knocked out of reach. Dementors swarmed him and began delivering the Dementor's Kiss. I crawl over to the wand, noticing the fine detail but pushing it aside. I try to think of something happy but everything seems fuzzy. I then think of something that I thought might be crazy enough to work.

The first time I looked at Grindelwald. I had noticed his mis-matched eyes, how they glowed with mischief and intrigue.

"Expecto Patronum!" I shouted and blinding light filled the forest, illuminating every tree.

The dementors shrinked out of sight until only a little light from the wand was left in their place. I slowly sat on the ground, finally taking a relaxing breath. I finally took notice of the wand in my hand. I can escape! This will surely undo the barrier. I stand up, about to make my way out of the forest. But something pulls me, pricking my heart. I can't just leave him here. The Dementors will finish him off.

Looking over at Grindelwald's unconscious form I decide to check if he was alive. Walking over, a red puddle of blood was slowly extending. I rush the rest of the way and bend down. I flipped Grindelwald's body over so his face was visible. His head had an open wound and blood was slowly trickling down his face into his white mustache. I knew magic wouldn't fix a wound this great. I levitate his body off the ground just enough to drape his arm over my shoulder. I quickly began dragging his heavy body through the forest, back the way I came. At least, I hope it is.

After what felt like forever, I finally pulled through the forest, Numengard Castle in view.

"Help!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

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