I love you

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This one is pretty much self explanatory but, this is where you and Johnny say 'I love you' for the first time. This one was inspired by  louina_Granger  and   johnnydepps_whore1. This is a combination of both their brilliant ideas. I hope you enjoy, especially the dreamers of these ideas. (P.S. I couldn't add gifs like the others because the computer I'm on sucks. I'll fix it when I have a better computer)

"Come on, Y/N! It's going to be an adventure!" Johnny smiles at me as he  drags me to his motorcycle. He had a picnic basket in one hand with mine tightly in his other. 

I roll my eyes at him but smile as well. He and I have only been dating for two years now but it feels like a lot longer. I get butterflies anytime he even glances at me. He had been planning this date for months now, and wanted us to get to 'the spot' as soon as possible. Though, he wouldn't tell me where it was, I knew it would be special considering this is Johnny. Once we got on the bike, he handed me the basket. 

"Close your eyes? It will make the surprise so much better!" 

I reluctantly oblige and hold onto Johnny tightly as he speeds off, forcing the wind to blow around me wildly. We drive for a little while until I hear birds cawing very high. I breathed in slowly and smelled salt in the air. I opened my mouth and let the salt touch my tongue. I knew where we were! I open my eyes and Johnny hops off the bike and offers me a hand. 

"Santa Monica beach? This is my favorite one!" I smile giddily at him. 

He smiles back and walks me down the beach into the sand. I quickly took my shoes off and enjoyed the soft, squishy and warm sand between my toes. I giggle and begin jumping in the sand, Johnny just staring at me the whole time. We continued down a little further when Johnny pulled my hand and paused. 

"Here, this is the perfect spot." He pulls a blanket literally from out of nowhere and sets it down, quickly flopping over and posing. 

I smile and lay down next to him. We began eating our perfect picnic which consisted of watermelon, an assortment of cheese and meat as well as some F/F. As soon as we finished, the sun started to set. Everything seemed absolutely perfect. Johnny wiggled over and snuggled me as we watched the sun. I closed my eyes and listened to the waves and the seagulls and Johnny's light breathing. I smile, content. I feel my face being tilted up and my lips gently pecked. I open my eyes to see Johnny smiling down at me. I give him a longer kiss and pull away, resting my head on his chest. He then whispers something.

"I love you." 

The words didn't register to me at first. 

"What?" I sit up and look at Johnny. He sighed. 

"Sorry for the suddenness but I am in love... With you." 

I sat there still in shock.

"I'm not just saying that for fun. I'm saying it because of how good it feels to finally say it, and it's perfect. I love you so much and its not like I love you just for that kiss but its for everything. I love you. I can't believe how many times I'm saying it... And I'd never thought that I would feel this way about someone so that's pretty phenomenal. I know I'm a lot to deal with but I finally know what I want. And what I want is you."

He grabs my hand as I stay silent. I slowly grow a smile on my face. 

"You love me?" I ask, cheekily. 

He nods his head vigorously. 

"Absolutely. To the moon and back." 

I smile and kiss his cheek then his lips. 

"Well I love you too. I have been for a while but I didn't know how to tell you." 

He then smiles so big. Tackling me back onto the blanket, he smothers me in kisses and holds me close. I giggle and play along. Soon after,  we just sit and watch the rest of the sunset. Johnny was right. This moment, its absolutely perfect. 

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