Silent hands at work Pt 1 (Edward Scissorhands)

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I've been playing around with something. I don't know if its any good but here it is!

Where should this start? I guess it should start where this story first took place. No, not the mansion, not the mad scientist and his marvelous inventions, not even the strange man with scissors for hands. This starts with a girl, but not the one you are thinking of. This girl wasn't born until years after the whole traumatic ordeal. But we'll get to that later.

This girl was just an ordinary person, with one peculiar factor. She was an absolute genius. This world hadn't even begun to comprehend what she could dream of. Her intellect was far beyond any child her age or any adult for that matter. And even when she was made fun of for her talent, she never let it push her ideas aside. She built unimaginable things. Some of them, at least. Most of them were nick-nacks and gadgets for her designs. She always had prints and sketches of her next greatest thing. No one really understood it though. She felt like an outsider, no matter how hard she tried to fit in.

One day though, something terribly sad happened. This girl's great-grandmother, Kim, had died only a week prior. So this girl and her family were going for the funeral and any legal paperwork that needed to be handled. But, the girl didn't know her great-grandmother well, so she didn't know how to feel. One thing she was certain of though was that no nineteen-year-old is going to be happy traveling in a small car for days on end just to get to Tampa, Florida.

Y/n Pov

"How long is this going to take?"

I cross my arms roughly over my chest, looking to the front of the car where my strange parents are chatting incoherently. My mom looks at me through the rearview mirror, sighing as she does so.

"We'll be there soon. Just be patient." They once again begin talking without even a second glance my way.

I pull out my small notebook and begin sketching a small bird with copper plates for wings. Making it would take more time than I was really willing to spend. I sigh, suddenly bored of my sketching. I gently put the book away and look out the window. I nearly jump out of my seat as I see an eere, overbearing mansion on top of a hill. My jaw opens in shock. The place was absolutely huge! I then looked lower to the suburban, too brightly colored part of the neighborhood. I scrunch my nose in disgust. Who lives like they're in the 70's still? All the cars were old and all of the people looked like they were stuck in time. The clothes were dreadful and the hair was no better.

"This place hasn't changed a bit since I was a girl!" My mom excitedly shouts.

"No kidding." I mumble.

We park in this old driveway and my parents quickly exit the car. I follow suit. They open the door to this oddly blue colored house and walk inside with their luggage. I grab my own and walk in, noticing how the decor is just as old as everything else in this weird place. I set my stuff down and walk around for a bit. I decided to pick my things up again and try to find the room I was staying in. I turn a corner and I see a door that was left slightly ajar. I slowly open it to find a bedroom.

It was small, not flashy like the rest of the house. It seemed like the only normal thing in this place. The bed in the corner was covered in papers, most likely unpaid bills or some such. But one thing that caught my attention was a leather bound book on a nightstand near the bed. I walked closer and picked it up. I cracked open the spine and read the first entry.

'I have told this story over a dozen times but my memory isn't what it used to be. I have decided to put it all in this book, so maybe one day someone can appreciate and understand why this is not just a silly old story and something to be cherished. It all started with scissors. They come in all shapes and sizes. But one particular case was when there was a man, a man with scissors for hands...'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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