Darlings and Devils Pt 1 (Gellert Grindelwald)

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Suggested by someone who was very supportive but sadly I think they left Wattpad. :( But If it was you who suggested a Beauty and the Beast style Grindelwald, here you go! I might rename the title but this was all I had. If any one has a better title, please tell me cause this sound dumb. I hope all of you enjoy it!!!

"Come on Y/N. You're going to get in trouble!" 

Theseus, my best friend's Fiance whisper-shouts to me as I briskly walk though the halls of the Ministry of Magic. 

"Theseus, There is no harm in trying. Besides, I've wanted to be apart of this for a long time. What's one more person to stop Grindelwald?"

With my wand in hand, my shoes and Theseus' are the only thing making any sound in the Merlin-Forsaken place. He groans slightly, catching up with my long strides. 

"You know what they will say. Try as you might, they aren't going to let you become an Auror again. The last time you said you could help, you nearly tore down all of London trying to catch that wild Nundu!"

I roll my eyes. 

"It won't be the same as last time! I am one of the most capable people for the job and they know that. And besides, if they don't let me on, I'll just have to go after Grindelwald myself."

I shrug and walk with more confidence as we turn a corner. Theseus breathes through his nose deeply, trying to calm himself. At last, we reach the door I was aiming for. The Minister of Magic's board room. Where no doubt they are already having a meeting about how to stop Grindelwald and get the boy, Credence Barebone. 

As per usual, I like to make an entrance so I just open the door, pausing whatever one of the council members was saying. 

"Miss me?" I smile at them, though they do not return the gesture. 

"Y/N L/N. We weren't expecting you." The Minister said calmly yet slightly jarred. 

I quickly slid a chair towards myself and sat down at the table everyone was so fondly keen on being globe of tracked wizard-kind. I set my bag that was loosely in my left hand down as I put my wand in my coat pocket. I quickly fold my hands and wait. 

"Well? How are we going to stop Grindelwald? And before you answer, at least consider me being apart of this. You know that I need to do this." 

I look to each of them, Theseus last as he looks to the Minister.

"I tried to stop her." He sighs and sits down, knowing that I had once again defeated him. 

Keeping my grin, I wait. They say nothing for a while. 

"Y/N... You can't." 

I frown. I sit up straighter, preparing myself and them. They know what happened the last time wasn't completely my fault. Theseus thinks differently because he wasn't there that day. He only believes what the Ministry tells him. He's like their little puppet who they can control what he thinks, says, and does. 

The Ministry is a load of Dragon dung and there's one way to prove it. They want the boy, Credence dead. They don't want to bring him onto our side, they only care about themselves... And I wasn't afraid to say it. I open my mouth, about to lose it when the door opens with a eerie creak. All our heads turn. Leta.

 I calm down very suddenly. She was one of the only people that I could trust. She struts in and notices me fairly quickly. She sighs and gives me a sad look. 

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