Gossip Girls

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A/N: this takes place sometime before Arlandia! It's kinda short, but I hope you guys like it!

"What are they doing?"

"They've gone insane!"

"How many bottles of wine have they drank?"

The male rankers of the Celestial Circle carefully peered through the doorway into the kitchen where their female counterparts had gathered. They were all dressed in oversized clothing or pajamas. Each woman's hair was either piled in a bun on top of her head or a messy ponytail and some of Valeriana's human music was blaring through some unseen force.

"Better yet, why are they in my damn kitchen," Charles seethed as he stepped towards the entrance. Almost all at once, the other boys quickly grabbed him and pulled him back.

"Are you crazy? They're all drinking wine and screaming songs about boys! They'll rip you limb from limb," Zevlin stated matter-of-factly while monitoring towards the kitchen with his chin.

At that exact moment, the song changed and all five of the females jumped to their feet belting the lyrics with wine glasses in hand.

"Yo, I'll tell ya what I want, what I really really want," Valeriana sang as she pointed at Tamara who followed with the next line. This process continued for the entirety of Wannabe by the Spice Girls and it seemed that each female ranker had found their alter ego.




"FRIENDSHIP NEVER ENDS," the girls chorused together as they jumped up and down enthusiastically.

The male rankers were actually fearing for their lives at their sudden act of camaraderie. Corvan's brow was scrunched in confusion at the sight in front of him. He may have two sisters, but girls were still a huge mystery to him.

"From my own personal expertise and experience growing up with five sisters, I say it's best for us to exit the residence and return at a later date if we value our lives and sanity," Raziel said in a whisper as he began to slowly back away and head for the exit. Without another word, the other male rankers practically turned on their heels and ran.

The drunk girls in the kitchen making cookies and eating pasta didn't even notice their hasty retreat from their shared residence.

"So, Aneeka...are you and Rowe ever going to date? That is the human term, right? I mean, have you seen how he looks at you," Elfre exclaimed after their dancing and singing had finally slowed down.

"I don't know Efre. When are you and Raziel going to announce your intent to date," Aneeka countered cleverly with her eyebrow raised. At Elfre's sudden inability to speak, she simply flushed and huffed through her nose.

"You know," Tamara piped in with a smirk on her face," if we're going to discuss how one person looks at another, then I believe Corvan is the prime subject for that conversation."

Valeriana's eyes widened at the mention of Corvan and her cheeks flushed. If she wasn't under the influence, Valeriana probably would've been able to come up with an equally snarky remark, but her brain wasn't working fast enough.

"Oooooh! I couldn't agree more! I would even dare to say that he's in lo-," Genevieve was quickly cut off before she could finish her sentence.

"No, he absolutely is not," Valeriana clarified as she finished the final drink of her wine before propping her head up on her hand. Corvan hadn't spoken to Valeriana much since the trip to Arlandia, and she was a bit afraid of what he would say when he did decide to talk to her.

"Have you seen how he acts around you!?"

"Corvan absolutely has feelings for you, Val!"

"Do you have feelings for him?"

The final question hung heavy in the air as Valeriana tried to come up with an answer. Corvan was a rude, arrogant ass who always acted as if he was so much better than everyone else. He parades around the academy with his shoulders square and a cold, smug look placed on his face.

In retrospect, Corvan's closest friends (which consisted of the Celestial Circle) knew that wasn't really the case. Valeriana had seen how he interacted with his youngest sister. Actually, children loved the young Arlandian lord to pieces. Even in Larkovia, they seemed to pick him out and convince him to play a game of tag or some other made up game.

More importantly, Corvan didn't really need that much convincing.

He had shown great kindness to Valeriana in several vulnerable moments that many would have taken advantage of. Instead, Corvan typically slapped some sense into her (quite literally) or even comforted her depending on the situation.

The others continued to stare at her as they waited for any answer.

"Why would I have feelings for him? He's a jerk," Valeriana finally exclaimed as she threw her hands into the air out of frustration.

"Whatever you say," Tamara taunted as she poured everyone another glass of win.

Before anyone could throw in their opinion again, the timer for the cookies in the oven when off. As if it intervened, the girls debate moved from the prospect of Valeriana and Corvan becoming a couple to the best kind of cookies.

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