Mable juice and talks

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The blonde boy walked to a table close by since dipper was still getting his lunch. He looked at the food he got and gagged with disgust.
How the actual hell does the school not care about what the students get served.. It's literally a biohazard.
Bill picked at his soggy grapes and waited impatiently for dipper to sit down. The chattering of other students annoyed bill but as soon as dipper sat down all his focus would be on the brunette. He glanced over to the lunch ladies and saw dipper walking closer to him.
About time...
Bill waved at dipper with a big grin on his face.
"I was so bored sitting here alone, did something catch on fire?" bill joked and scooted over so dipper could sit next to him. "Ah no, there was just a big line for some reason.. Sorry I had to make you wait" dipper said with a laugh that was almost angelic.
Ah everything about him is awesome..
The glimmer in his brown eyes is so beautiful and his voice is so soothing.
His hair is like cotton candy, soft and fluffy.. What I would do to get a kiss from him is probably unimaginably insane but at least I get hugs from him, even after going through so much he's still sweet and always cares about others before himself.. I hate that all I'm thinking of is him right now but I can't help but think of his arms.. His hands.. His ears.. His nose.. Everything is so perfect and I can't help but blush whenever I see him.. I want our relationship to turn into something bigger but I have to be patient..
Ah dipper I love you.. So so much..

"Are you okay?"
Bill blinked a few times before nodding and repeating 'sorry' about 5 times.
"Yes yes I'm fine.. Sorry I'm just thinking about something.. But how's your lunch?" bill said with panic and embarrassment in his voice.
The brunette chuckled then took a sip of his milk.
"The food sucks like always but I guess you spacing out is normal so what were you thinking about anyway?"
Bill's cheeks flushed a small pink and he mumbled a few things before Mable showed up.

Thank god Mable.. What would I do without you showing up at the best times..

Dipper looked up to see Mable and Pacifica walking towards the table;
The blonde girl had a bandage wrapped around her hand so her lunch tray was wobbling a little but she managed not to drop it, Mable offered to carry it for Pacifica but she insisted that she could carry it herself.
"Hey dipstick!" The brunette said as she and Pacifica sat down across from the two boys. Dipper smiled at the two and continued to drink his milk. "Soooo... Do you guys wanna do anything today?" Mable asked while trying to fix Pacifica's bandage that was almost falling off.   "Well, I have tons of homework to work on so you guys can go do something together ok?" Bill mumbled as he violently stabbed a grape with his spork. Dipper glanced at bill and snorted at the soggy grape. "Bill.. am I gonna have to make a funeral for your grape? It had a tough life so at least let it rest in peace" Dipper explained.  Bill jerked his head over to dipper and stuck his tongue out. "no thanks.."
Mable giggled and pull something out of her bag, she also took cups out and placed them on the broken table.
Dipper took one look at the bottle and groaned. "Seriously? You brought the diabetes drink?" dipper complained and pretended to barf.
Mable glared at him while she poured the multicolored drink into a plastic cup. "Oh shut up dipper, it's absolutely delicious and you are out of your mind." Mable gave the cup to bill and he flinched. "What is this?" bill stared at it and saw the powdered candy at the bottom, then saw the small plastic unicorn floating at the top.
The brunette poured some for Pacifica then responded, "its called Mable juice, I made Dipper drink it so much as a kid so now he hates it.. I don't know why..."
Bill pushed his tray out of the way and took a small sip of the sweet drink, then gasped at how sugary it was, almost too sugary.
"I've rarely had sweets so this is new.. I like it.." bill timidly said while smiling.
Mable smiled at the blonde boy and stuck her tongue out at Dipper, who was 'secretly' reading a book.


Phew.. Finally class is over.. But.. I still need to take care of something..
I've been carelessly killing people and if I continue to do this then I'll surely get caught.. Oh candy.. You seem harmless but I'm still gonna make sure that nobody gets in my way when it comes to my sweet sweet Dipper..
Bill closed his locker shut and gripped tightly onto the knife that he had in his pocket. After a while of observing, he figured out that candy would probably be walking home right about now so this was his chance to talk to her.
He stepped outside and flinched as the cold breeze blew through his hair, messing it up a little but he didn't care. All his focus was on finding the girl that could possibly stop him from reaching his goal. Bill's pupils were somehow red, and his grip on the knife was tighter than ever. He started quickly walking towards a tree that the black haired girl was standing near, he had it all planned out.
"Candy" the petite boy said with venom in his voice.
"Oh! Hello, you scared me.. Heh.."
Candy stumbled a little before turning around to face bill, her face went pale as she saw his eyes.
"I'm so very sorry for interrupting you, but I just want to confirm something... I've seen the way you look at Dipper and I've come to the conclusion that you.. Like him.."
Candy blushed at the brunette's name and bill walked closer to the rather agitated girl.
He was pissed.
Candy shook with fear as bill stared at her with the most hateful glare, he closed his eyes and gripped tighter onto the knife that he still had in his sweater pocket.
"Am I right?"
Candy darted her eyes away from bill and flinched as bill took the knife out and carefully placed it close to her chin.
"Am I?"
Candy started to tear up as bill slid the knife down to her chest, then to her stomach without cutting any skin.
"Y.. Yes... You're right.. I guess I was too obvious huh?... I mean back when I was 12... We went out on a date? I guess I can call it that"
Bill gritted his teeth as candy took a deep breath and continued,
"Though after the whole thing, I thought I didn't like him anymore.. Yet here I am.."
Bill chuckled at the idiocy of the trembling girl.
"Well, as much as I like hearing about your stupid little crush... I cannot bear to look at you anymore.. Your voice annoys me, and now that I have a reason to do what I came here for, I will do it."
Candy's eyes widened with fear as she tried to step back but felt a sharp pain against her stomach.
"Nuh uh~ you're not escaping.. So.."
Bill looked psychotically at candy and smiled, embracing candy in a suffocating hug.
That was his specialty after all.
"Any last words?"
He whispered into Candy's ear and dragged his knife to the back of Candy's neck, the feeling of the metal sent shivers down her spine.
Before candy could let out anything else, bill replicated what he did at lunch and violently stabbed Candy's neck.
The blood dripped down her back as she screamed in pain, bill then slid the knife into her mouth and jerked it to the right, cutting through her cheek so more blood gushed out.
"I'm so glad I'll never ever have to hear your stupid voice again."
Bill smiled at his work, and looked around to see if anybody saw what he just did. Thankfully, nobody was around so he was safe.
But what was he gonna do about the body?
Behind the school there was a river that people used to go in during the summer, a lot of people came out with discolored skin or some sort of infection but candy was already dead so he didn't need to worry about that.
"Ah.. This river is so beautiful, you're so lucky that I decided to hide your body here.."
Bill smiled innocently at the girl and carefully positioned her so it looked like she was sitting down.
"Hopefully you don't know how to swim"
Bill's face changed entirely into a dark glare as he kicked the blood covered girl off of the dock and into the lake.
"Bye Bye!"






(DISCONTINUED)♡Knives and love♡ (⚠️WARNING LOTS OF GORE⚠️)  -Yandere AU-Where stories live. Discover now