Glasses and anger

142 6 2

-6:14 am-
"Hey dipper!" candy zipped up her backpack and walked over to the brunette. Dipper smiled and waved, "hey candy, did you finish your homework?"
"Oh yes! I just finished it, good thing I did because I don't want to be yelled at by my parents" candy laughed and adjusted her glasses.
"I want contacts really bad but I'm too lazy to get them." she whined and messed with her glasses some more.
Dipper laughed and put his backpack strap on his other shoulder which was almost falling off.  "You look good with, and without glasses so do whatever you like!" dipper wasn't sure if that sounded flirty or just nice because he was a genuinely kind person and gave compliments a lot.
A slight pink formed on the black haired girls cheeks;
"Oh dipper, you know my eyes are really weird without my glasses"
"Meh, I can't really tell"
dipper chuckled but didn't notice bill walking up to the school.

Seriously?! Out of everyone here, he chooses to talk with candy?! God look at her, She's so stupid thinking that she can flirt with dipper. What a lovesick idiot. I want him to be mine but I need to eliminate every interference before I can get him...Ah he's so perfect~

The short boy glared for a quick second then changed to a fake smile and ran up to the two, wrapping his arms around the taller male.

"Ah! Oh hey bill!" dipper wrapped his hands around me while candy awkwardly stared at us.
"Hey dipper, you're candy right?" I let go of dipper and stood right next to him, my lips curling into a smirk.
"Oh yes hi bill! I've been dipper's friend for a couple years now"
The Raven haired girl crossed her arms and looked at her watch.


"Wahh! I need to get going, I gotta go help a teacher with something because I promised her I would today."
Candy smiled awkwardly at the both of us and hurried away.

Now it's just us.. We can finally talk about the restaurant thing..Hopefully he didn't watch the news, heh..

"Sooooo, about Friday" I smiled at the taller male and messed with my hoodie strings. "Oh yeah, thank you so much for that. We should go somewhere again sometime hm?"
I blushed light pink, a wider grin forming on my face.

Dot dot dot 

The awkward silence being Interrupted by Mable yelling at dipper for God knows what.

"Hey dipper! Sorry,  I went over to Pacifica's house cause she accidentally burned her hand with the hair straightener."  Mable waved at bill and took her phone out to check on Pacifica, then realizing she probably can't text because of her hand so she put her phone back in her backpack.
"Well I'm gonna go to my locker, tell me when Pacifica is ok alright Mable?"
Dipper smiled and started walking towards the double doors.
"Okay!!" Mable shouted as dipper walked into the school, then smiled at bill.  "Well I'm gonna go find candy"
Mable smiled and started skipping to the doors just like dipper.
"Ah- uhm I think candy is...helping a teacher.." bill mumbled the last part because he knew Mable didn't hear him.

God.. I need to start speaking up..

Bill put his hands in his hoodie pocket and walked to the double doors.
Hopefully something exciting Is happening like a fight because I'm bored as shit. I could check dippers Instagram... But not at school. I'll get all red and everyone will look at me like i'm crazy, or maybe sick.

Well I might be crazy.. Who knows.

Ehehehehe~.. Only for dipper.. He's so adorable I could talk about him all day.. Eek.

The blonde boy flicked himself in the head to concentrate on where he needed to go or else he would probably wander to the football field..

God I'm stupid.

Mm.. I need to talk to candy and ask if she likes dipper just to be sure, even if she doesn't I'm still gonna kill her. Dipper could develop feelings for her, And I do not want that happening
Ah. What should I use this time...

Bill got to his locker and fumbled with the lock until he got it open, looking through all his stuff and putting some other stuff that he didn't need in the locker.  In a small corner of the locker was a picture of dipper that bill took while they were in the restaurant. He was skilled at that kind of stuff so dipper never caught him.

That would be awkward if he caught me.. Heh

Bill closed his locker and walked around the school, he would probably get in trouble for just wandering around but he had nothing better to do before school started.

-6:37 am-

I was putting most of my stuff away while playing around with a small rubix cube; and looking through my phone... cause I had nothing better to do.
I'm a good multitasker...
Hopefully pacifica is alright but I'm not sure what bill is doing.
A small sigh escaped my lips as I fumbled with the cube some more,
This is harder to solve then I remember...

I put all the stuff away and slammed my locker not that hard so I won't get in trouble with any of the teachers.
The talking of other people was kinda annoying but at least they weren't talking to me..
I wanna talk to bill.. He's always so sweet and selfless.
To my surprise I saw bill wandering around the school, kinda funny but he probably did it to pass some time.
"Hey bill!" I shouted so I got some looks from people nearby but they quickly turned their heads and kept talking. Bill smiled at me and skipped over like Mable always does.
"Hey dipper" bill had the most angelic smile on his face and I could feel the heat rush up to my cheeks as soon as he approached me.
"Hi..I don't know where Mable is so do you want to talk?" I said quietly but bill could still hear, I'm guessing cause he is really quiet most of the time.
"Oh yeah! Sure.. Did you check on Pacifica yet? Mable went to go find candy."

-6:52 am-
Ah he's too cute I want him to be mine but I can't yet.. Maybe I can confess in a couple weeks.
But I'm surprised.. Everyone isn't acting that different since grenda died.
Especially mable.
Oh well..
At least dipper didn't find out.
But now I have to deal with another person. Ugh.

I played with dipper's rubix cube and listened to him talk about the weird creatures that his great uncle Ford brought home.
Ah, everything he talks about is so interesting... Unlike my life..
It's Edgy and boring, kinda cliche to be honest. Oh the bell. Damn.. Maybe I should kill the bell too. Hehe.
Just jokes..

"Well I better get to class, see you at lunch okay?" I gave my beautiful pine tree a small smile and walked away.
God I won't be able to concentrate at all today, meh.. It's not like my 'mom' cares about my grades anyway.


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