Pocket knives and apologies

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Bill stared at the waiter and then started to walk closer.. "Hey.. Can you do me a favor.. And stop flirting with my friend?" bill had a big grin on his face.. It kind of seemed.. Creepy..
"What the hell.. What do you want? You don't own him so I can do whatever I want.." the waiter looked at bills hand and saw the knife..her eyes widened and she started trembling..
".. I don't own him but.. I want to.. So that's why I have to get rid of 𝔼𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕪𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 that trys to stop me from getting him.. " bill's grin turned into a glare and he quickly ran up to her.
Bill was short but really fast so that helped a lot.. The waiter started running away but bill held the knife to her neck..
Jesus.. This is the second time I killed someone by slitting their throat..
The black haired girl tried to scream but bill put his hand over her mouth so all that came out was muffled screams.
"Now.. I can do this quickly.. Or slowly.." bill started to trail the knife down to where her heart was..
Tears started to fall from the black haired girls eyes..
Bill still had a dirty look on his face but when he saw the girl start to cry he started to smile.. Ah this is so fun..
Bill giggled and counted


The girl started to squirm


She started to cry more


Bill stabbed the girl in her heart.. Then stabbed her stomach.. And then heart.



When the girl stopped breathing she dropped to the floor..good thing bill only had a bit of blood on his face.. He wiped it off and threw her in the dumpster, closing it and walking off, good thing there weren't any cameras..
He slipped the knife in his pocket and walked back into the restaurant.. His took him about 20 minuets..

wow that was fast..

Bill ran up to their table and saw the food, dipper seemed to be enjoying his ramen.. Bill chuckled and sat down.. "I'm so sorry I took forever.. I really am.." dipper swallowed some food and responded "oh it's fine bill.. Tummy troubles?" dipper asked and chuckled
"Something like that.." bill said and started to eat his ramen..

Maybe an hour passed by and they joked, ate, and laughed a lot.. Bill was so happy.. And dipper was too..
But bill was still worried about the waiter and the people that worked here..he sighed and they both got in the car again, dipper holding the passenger door open for him.. Bill's cheeks turned pink and he got in thanking dipper, the brunette got in the driver seat and they both buckled their seat belts..


"So.." bill looked at the window instead of looking at dipper.. Dipper smiled and looked at bill "that was fun.. Wanna go somewhere together again? I really liked hanging out with you.." dipper blushed and looked away
Bill blushed even more and started to play with his necklace "yeah.. I liked hanging out with you too.. And yea.. Whenever you want we can go somewhere.." bill smiled and looked at dipper.. "Okay" dipper smiled back and started to drive to bills house.. Somehow bill fell asleep again..

Bill opened his eyes to see a forest and the moving cars.. Oh.. Why are we on the side of the road? He unbuckled his seat belt and looked to the left. "What's wrong dipper? Why are we next to a forest?" dipper smiled and responded "I thought we could maybe walk around the forest a little.. Is that fine?"
Bill smiled and got out of the car "yeah, let's go!" dipper got out and locked the car. It was pretty dark out and dipper had a flash light so that was convenient.. They started to walk through the forest and they stopped at a patch of little flowers, it was hard so see since the darkness but bill was pretty sure they were blue and yellow..
The two stopped at log and dipper decided to sit down..
Bill looked around and saw pine trees, some animals, and.. Dipper..
He looked so beautiful.. Wait.. Was he-
Dipper lifted bills chin so that he could see his eyes.. His beautiful yellow eyes.
Bill's cheeks started to flush pink as dipper leaned in closer so that their lips connected.. Bill blushed even more and then kissed back.. The kiss was sweet. Passionate.. What is he doing.. I wish this could last forever.. Dipper sat on the log again and picked up bill so that the blonde could sit on his lap.
They both closed their eyes while still kissing each other. Bill draped his arms around dippers neck and stopped kissing the brunette to catch his breath.. "Hah.. W-why would you kiss me? I'm awkward and weird looking.. Especially my eyes. . " dipper smiled and caught his breath. "I think your eyes are absolutely beautiful.. But.. Bill" dipper blushed. "Yes?.." bill darted his eye away from dipper and moved his legs a little so he was comfortable. "Can.. We go further?.." bill blushed even more started to feel sleepy.. Like he was gonna pass out.. "Bill?"

Bill opened his eyes and saw that he was in fact not in the forest, but in the car...
"Bill wake up.. We are at your house.."
"O-oh.." bill quickly opened his eyes and looked through the window..
It's dark.. And that kiss.. It was all a dream?! "
"Are you ok bill? Your cheeks are
kinda red.. " dipper turned the car off and unbuckled his seatbelt..
"A-ah.." bill covered half of his face with his hand and took off his seatbelt.
"Sorry.. I'm kind of a deep sleeper.." dipper laughed and got out of the car.
"Your mom isn't home yet hm?"
Bill looked at the driveway and saw no cars. "Yeah.. She probably went home with that weirdo guy she calls handsome.." bill rolled his eyes and got out of the car, walking to the door..
Now time for the cliche after date kiss on the cheek.. Or maybe a hug.. I wish he could kiss me.. Wait not right now.. Aw shit bill, don't let your mind wander..
Dipper walked bill to his door and watched him get his key out. As bill was getting his key out the brunette thought he saw something red but it was probably just his imagination. Bill finally got the door open and turned to dipper.. "W-well this was fun.." bill covered his face with his sweater paws in embarrassment, which dipper thought was adorable. "Yeah. Thanks for suggesting we go. And you look really cute.. Heh." dipper realized what he said and looked away.
"What?" bill blushed even more
"What?" dipper put his hands in his pockets..
"Well.. Drive home safe.." bills smiled at the blushing brunette.
Dipper walked up to bill and gave him a warm gentle hug.
"Thanks, see you at school on Monday?" dipper asked while still hugging the petite blonde.
"Yeah.." bill hugged back and walked inside, shutting the door and locking it.
Dipper got into his car and drove away.
The blonde teen pressed his back against the door and slid down so he was sitting against it. He sighed and covered his blushing face with his sweater paws. It was really cold in his house but bill didn't mind because he hated when it was hot. Bill got up and walked over to the couch. Fuck it.. Even if my 'mom'  walks in and I'm not in my room I don't care. I just wanna sleep.. That hug was different.. And I'm probably gonna cherish that hug forever..

Goodnight me.. Heh..

Heeeeey what's up guys? I finally made a new chapter but that forest part was..👀  a liiiittle hard to write but they are still teens in this fanfic so 🤷🏻 oh well. But I hope you guys have an awesome day!! Bye!! 😚💓

(DISCONTINUED)♡Knives and love♡ (⚠️WARNING LOTS OF GORE⚠️)  -Yandere AU-Where stories live. Discover now