Bullies and saviors

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The video goes with the ending of the story lol but just a little.. Also there used to be an oc but I changed it to Robbie 🤨

-3:52 pm-
-Waterflys high-

"Come on cipher! Hand it over!" a black haired teen yelled at bill.
Bill flinched at the loud noise but then spoke. "No Robbie I earned this money, you always take things from me and I'm getting sick of it, why do you need money anyway? It's just 25 bucks.."
"What the fuck did you say to me freak? Hand over the money and I won't knock you out."
"Robbie, please not today.."
"Alright then, your choice."
Before Robbie could even hit bill someone yelled at him to stop, first he thought it was a teacher but no.
"Aye! Get the hell away from him!"
Dipper ran towards the two boys, faster than he ever has before.
"Why should I birthmark?"
"Why not?" dipper stands in front of bill and continued to talk. "Why do you need the money? If you got a job you wouldn't have to beat people up and steal their money! So back the fuck off ya dipshit!" Dipper said with anger in his eyes.

Robbie gave dipper and bill one last glare and started to walk away.
The whole time bill was just sitting there, confused, relieved, and scared. But most of all he felt butterflies in his stomach..

Dipper bent over and examined bill.. Brusises, scars, but when he saw his eye he gasped.
Bill looked at him with concern. "W-what is it? Is it my eye? I know it's weird." he paused for a second. "I know I'm weird., b-but why did you save me?"
Dipper looked him in the eyes and sat down. "Well, why wouldn't I? I can't just leave you here and watch you get beaten up.."
Bill started to smile. "My eye, my step 'mom' did this to me.. She was drunk.. And hit my eye with a beer bottle.." after hearing that, dipper felt really bad. "O-oh..i'm sorry.."
"It's fine, anyway.. I'm bill, nice to meet you, and you are-?"
"Dipper, Dipper pines.. H-hey..wanna be friends?"
Bill looked at dipper with a gleam in his eye.. "Really? .. You wanna be friends with me?.. Y-you're the most popular kid in school..."
"Of course I want to be friends with you... You seem really nice." dipper said while smiling.
A minute later bill felt a rain drop on his face.
"Hey bill, I think it's gonna rain.. Do you walk home?"
"Erm.. Yes.."
"Well, Pacifica is gonna drive Mabel and I home.. Do you wanna join us?"
"Really? Are you sure?"
"Yeah!.. We are friends after all.."

F r i e n d s...
Bill thought about that word the whole car ride.
"Sooo broski who's your boy friend?"Mabel said with a smirk on her face.
"Ugh.. Mabel, he's not my boyfriend, he's my friend.. He was gonna walk home so I asked if he wanted to ride in the car with us."
"Sure" Mabel said wiggling her eyebrows.
Dipper sighed then turned his head to bill. "Hey bill?"
"Oh! Yes?"
"Where do you live?"
"I live like a few blocks from the school,"
"Ok, hey? Are you ok? You look like you're trying to find out how to end world hunger or something."
dipper said with a chuckle.
"Well, I'm thinking about what you said earlier... Friends?... I only used to have one friend.. At the orphanage, His name was will, but then I got adopted again..i really miss him. " bill explained like it was a normal thing to talk about.
"Oh! Well then, you know, if you're my friend then you are Mabel and Pacifica's friend too.. Ok?" dipper quietly said.
Bill slightly blushed but then responded. "Ok.. Thank you.."
Dipper nodded, smiling.

Somehow bill fell asleep in the car so then dipper told Mabel to use her earbuds, and Pacifica to turn the radio down which was playing Beethoven he was guessing which was not surprising because Pacifica is like- rich...
dipper glanced at bill and took out a blueish jacket from his backpack, laying it on the shorter boy so he wasn't cold. But what dipper didn't know was that he was blushing, so Mabel and Pacifica starting giggling and talking really quite like two elementary girls talking about their crushes.







I told you it was gonna be longer! Hehe.. But the next chapter is probably gonna be even longer so get ready! Stay gay, byeeee 😶

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