Incidents and tears

256 7 10

-6:03 am-
The news had just got out that a student has been murdered in the library, Nobody was allowed in the library for quite a long time, and there were police around the crime scene..

The two girls got out of the car and started walking to the school, hand in hand smiling,despite not knowing that one of Mabel's best friends, grenda has gotten killed...Dipper was behind them trying to speed up cause he was a slow walker, or maybe he was really tired.. But the blonde haired boy got to school a couple minutes before them.. He was sitting on a bench near the front of the school watching YouTube with his earbuds in.. All the other students were standing, sitting, and chattering about stuff he didn't care about.. When the three got to the school bill looked up from his phone, smiling then walking up to dipper.. He had a slight blush on his face cause he was still embarrassed about the whole date thingy.. Dipper smiled at bill and they started to talk.
"Oi pacifierrrr, you wanna go get ice cream today?" Mabel asked the blonde.. "Sure, if you wan-" Pacifica got cut off by an announcement from the principal.
Attention students, I'm sorry to inform you, but a student has been murdered in the library, that's why nobody is allowed in there..we will still have classes but students will not be allowed in the library, and they cannot stay at school no longer than 4 unless you are part of the student Council, or yearbook committee. Thank you for listening and have a good rest of your day.
"M-murdered?" Mabel was shocked about the news.. She was scared that it might have been one of her friends, and she was worried if she was gonna get killed next.. Pacifica squeezed her hand and gave her a small peck on her cheek. "Don't worry Mable, we'll find out who got killed and then send the murderer to jail.. I promise" Pacifica gave her a reassuring smile and squeezed her hand once more. "Somebody got murdered in the library?! The last person I saw in the library was grenda.. But it couldn't have been her.. I know it.. M-maybe someone else went in After her" dipper was scared as well, for his sister..Mabel's girlfriend, his friends, and most importantly bill...
"I'm so scared..." bill grabbed dipper's hand and pulled the brunette towards him, embracing him in a warm hug.. "W-woah..u-uh...don't be scared bill!! It will be fine I promise.." dippers face was a blushing mess.. Though he was comfortable.. He was embarrassed too..
Bill's face turned a bright shade of red as he looked into dipper's chocolate brown eyes.. Almost as if he was dreaming.. Like the chocolate river from Willy Wonka.. The black pupil's were as dark as a night sky.. Though there was a bit of silver in his eyes.. And just a touch of yellow... His long eye lashes.. Bill could spend hours looking at dipper's eyes.. But too bad for him, they were at school.. "Uhh... Bill?" dipper waved his hand in front of Bill's face hopping he would respond.. "O-oh..s-sorry.." bill looked away and let go of dipper's hand, putting his hand in his pocket.. Mabel and Pacifica had walked over to the side of the school where they had vending machines and drink machines.. So the two boys were alone.. Looking away from each other with blushes on their faces.. But bill couldn't help but stare into the brunettes eyes.. They were just so pretty.. But bill grabbed his bag and tapped dipper's shoulder.. "Hey.. You wanna go inside?" the teen pointed to the doors which lead them to the check in part of the school where people would get passes and sign stuff.. They were couches in that part of the school so dipper and bill walked over to a black leather couch and started talking about random stuff..

-6:56 am-
"So.. I'm. Gonna head to class.. " bill said to the older boy as he grabbed his bag. " okay, I'm gonna go too... S-see ya at lunch okay?" dipper grabbed his bag and smiled. To bill his smile was God like.. Pearly white teeth, none of them were crooked and when he smiled it just made him prettier. While bill, had braces.. "Okay.. Bye dipper."
The two boys headed to class, same with all the students. Though classes went by fast, dipper had a harder time tutoring people since nobody was allowed after 4 and most of the time dipper was busy after school. This was perfect for bill.. Nobody in the way.. And then lunch finally came, all students rushed to lunch, even though the food was trash.. Bill could have sworn he saw a spider in the French fries once.. He was suprised a health inspector didn't shut down the school for the food they served yet.. But the blonde got his food and scrambled over to the table where all his friends were..Dipper, Mable, Pacifica, and candy.. He remembered why Grenda wasn't there and smiled.. But for some reason Gideon was there.. Bill gagged a little and set his tray down on the table, saying hi to everyone.. Lunch wasn't that long.. But they talked about random things like how Gideon got taller, and why children aren't allowed to watch porn.. Cause what are they gonna do? Do stuff with each other?! Nah.. it wasn't that chaotic.. But after lunch everyone went back to their classes.. Bill had sex ed.. It scared him a lot about talking about how can he put it.. Female parts.. Cause he was in fact very gay.. And probably would never have to deal with that kinda thing.. But everyone walked to their classes saying their goodbyes.. It was a long school day..

Hey (●''●) wasup?! How are you guys?! I wrote a new chapter.. And in like maybe the next chapter or the one after that bill and dip dip are gonna have their date.. So I'm looking forward to writing that.. And y'all will get some mabcifica in the next chapter cause they are going to get ice cream 🙈🍦 lol I hope they don't eat it in the car if you know what I mean, but I'm really happy Cause like two days ago I posted a video on my secret account for tiktok and it got over 200 Likes 🥺 so I'm really happy about that, but I hope you guys have a wonderful day!! And today is hange's birthday!! So happy birthday to her.. Okay enough of me, bye guys! You will get the next chapter in like maybe 5-6 days or earlier!! Byeeee! 💖

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