Ramen and jealously

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-6:36 pm-

The school day was long.. But it was all worth it because tonight dipper and bill would have a date.. It's been maybe 2 months since bill had met dipper.. And they already are going on a date.. This was so unrealistic to bill.. Right now the blonde boy was at his desk doing some homework.. Honestly, bill couldn't get why the teachers had him do homework on Friday.. But he was almost done with it so that was good. Bill was kinda nervous thinking about his date with like the smartest and most popular boy at waterfalls high..
I wonder why he wants to go on a date with me.. I'm just the quiet kid.. Nobody talks to me yet he wants to go somewhere with me tonight? Ah.. He is so nice.. Sweet... Adorable.. There isn't even A word to describe him.. I wonder what dipper and his sister's parents look like.. What if they are super models.. Woah.. That's unlikely.. Heh.. The blonde chuckled at the idea of dipper's parents being supermodels.. But finally he was done with his homework.. So he slipped the paper into his backpack and something shiny caught his eye.. The knife.. He reached in his backpack and grabbed the two sharp objects.. He admired how shiny they were.. Just a week ago one was covered in blood.. But right now he needed to call Mable and Pacifica to help with the date..He still had like 3 hours to kill so he sat on his bed and started to go to YouTube.. There was always rather interesting videos on the app... Like make-up tutorials.. Or stunts.. Conspiracy theory videos.. Music videos.. Everyone on YouTube was so talented.. All bill could do was kill people without getting caught.. Well so far he didn't get caught.. And hopefully he doesn't cause he needs to keep people away from the beautiful brunette.. Just because they are going on a date doesn't mean dipper won't start liking someone else.. Bill shrugged it off and clicked on Lady gaga and Ariana Grande's new song 'rain on me' bill really like lady gaga and the new song the two celebrities posted was a masterpiece.. He had his earbuds in so it was silent .. Right now his 'mom' was at a restaurant with some sketchy old guy.. He showed up at the door with a wilting rose and a messed up tie.. Yet she still smiled and drove away to who knows where with that guy.. Bill sighed and kept watching YouTube..

-8:38 pm-
Bill was watching TV right now.. But something felt off.. Oh shoot THE DATE!! the blonde boy ran to his room and called Mable.. Just a week ago he got Mabel's number and that was a good thing to ask for her number cause he needed the two girls right now.

Now calling 🐷Mable🐷..


Bill sighed as he waited for Mable to pick up.. He was sitting on his bed right now with butterflies in his stomach..

"Hey bill!"
"Hey Mable.. So I was wondering if I could go to your guys's place or you and Pacifica could come over to my house?"
"Oh, I totally forgot! Yea Pacifica and I will come over in like 10 minutes! Text me your location okay? Bye!"

I texted her my location and in about 10 minutes I heard a knock at the door.. I got off of my bed and walked over to the door.. I was really nervous but happy.. This was happening so fast, I hope I don't screw anything up..
I opened the door to see the two smiling girls.. But Pacifica surprised me.. She never smiles.. Well sometimes.. I giggled and let them in.
"Hey bill!" Mabel ran towards me and wrapped her arms around me.. I was suffocating a bit.. Damn she's strong..
Pacifica said hi and placed her bag next to the door.. And then I lead them to my room, the only decent room in the house.. I just didn't have much and didn't like a dirty room.. But the two girls sat on my bed and we talked a bit.. After a couple minutes we started to talk about the main reason they were here "So bill... What do you have in your closet?" mable asked, pointing to my black closet.. "O-oh I have some sweaters and hoodies.. And some T-shirts.." "hmm.. I'll pick something out and then Mabel can help with the jewelry and your hair.." Pacifica said as she walked to my closet.. I was sitting on the chair next to my desk talking with Mabel..

(DISCONTINUED)♡Knives and love♡ (⚠️WARNING LOTS OF GORE⚠️)  -Yandere AU-Where stories live. Discover now