Questions Answered!

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Okay, let's do this again! I'm getting a new influx of readers, and even my current readers still have questions that I've either answered before (which gets tiring), hasn't been revealed in the story yet, or people find the idea stupid. This is okay; everyone is entitled to their opinions! So, I'm going to take the most frequently asked question and not only answer them but explain it to the best of my ability. Thanks again for reading my story. Let's get into this!


-Question One: Why is All Might's power level so strong? 

-Answer: So, I've answered this before in the previous Q&A, but I'll explain it one more time. First, I in no way think All Might is planetary level. All Might at his best, in my opinion, is multi-city level. As seen in the manga, if one villain can rip through multiple cities, I have no doubt the previous number one Hero could do it, even injured. Here come the problems with crossovers, though. At the beginning of Dragon Ball Z, having a power level of over 8,000 was impressive to Nappa and Vegeta (Even though Vegeta later stated that it still wasn't enough for him). Even before the birth of Goku and Vegeta, Saiyans were capable of blowing up planets by themselves, and I'm pretty sure that their power levels were nowhere near Goku's PL. 

With those facts lined up, All Might realistically would barely scratch by 1,000 in his prime. Raditz had a power level of 1,500 and was more than capable of blowing up planets, I assure you. So my solution to this enormous gap? Nothing and something. Having All Might at a PL of 50,000 compared to the billions that Izuku and other characters are hitting is fair. Let's take Krillin, a human,  for example. Compared to the Saiyans, his PL is laughable, a measly 1.5 billion in the recent manga arc: The Galactic Patrolman arc. (Small, right?) But he had a key, something that All Might doesn't have, Ki. Obviously. So my solution was to at least buff All Might. Yes, compared to Izuku and the other god-tier beings, he is nothing, WHICH is accurate. But I believe that humans, over time, without KI, would evolve as humans do. But the biggest thing is, All Might is considered the most powerful being in the MHA universe.

Now, as stated before, compared to DBZ, he's nothing. But in the MHA universe, he might as well be considered God. Hell, All For One is practically one in that universe. In conclusion, All Might's PL isn't technically a buff. But it is what I believe to be the peak of human power in that universe. 


-Question Two: How does Izuku access Gohan's Ki?/How is Izuku the reincarnation of Gohan?

-Answer: This one is easy. Reincarnation. Not good enough? Allow me to elaborate. This has happened before in the DB universe. Meet Uub, known as the LITERAL reincarnation of the evil being known as Kid Buu. Not only is Uub naturally powerful as a child, but he's able to use all of Buu's techniques, and it's been stated multiple times that his Ki is exactly like Majin Buu. (SPOILER: Even recently, it's been revealed that since Buu absorbed a Kai who has God Ki, Uub also has access to God Ki.) So bizarre as Izuku having Gohan's Ki is, it's not that far-fetched. It's' happened before. If it can't happen with an evil pink manchild and a young Indian boy, it can most definitely occur with a half-Saiyan and a human. 


-Question Three: Izuku's Quirk?

-Answer: This one will be short to avoid spoilers. Controlling your Ki is essential to being a good fighter in the DB universe. If your Ki is interrupted or messed with, it can mess with even the most straightforward actions like flying or teleporting. This is shown after Goku has his battle with the assassin Hit (My favorite DBS character). Using his Super Saiyan Blue form mixed with the Kaio-ken disrupts Goku's Ki and doesn't allow him to teleport or even fly. Perfect Ki control has been mentioned, though. Master Roshi and Goku Black are, in my opinion, the closest things to PERFECT Ki control. We'll use Goku Black. Goku Black was able to make weapons, clones, and... oh yeah! Tear a rip in time! His Ki control was terrific, allowing him to do things that the Z fighters haven't. Okay, but why would this be considered a quirk? I can't tell you, but it will be revealed. I'll leave you with this, though. Evolution. 

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