[26] Boogie Winter Wonderland

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It was shining back at you with its holy light like the Holy Grail itself. Its sweet aroma just inviting you to reach inside and take a bite. But you mustn't. But the growl of your stomach and the saliva in your mouth said otherwise. 

The noise of the kettle screaming broke your trance, causing you to jump back into reality like a bucket of cold water being dumped on you at 3 in the morning, which happened when Mista and Narancia were running low on ideas on how to wake you up.

You accidentally stumbled upon a secret stash of candy in the cabinet while looking for a packet of powdered hot chocolate. The wall on one of the shelves popped out of place, and a few bars of chocolate fell into view, causing you to contemplate if you should steal a bar or not.

It was snowing pretty heavily outside with big snowflakes, and Ghiaccio texted you awhile ago and told you to get ready because he was cashing his favor in today. You had no clue what to throw on since he gave very little context on what to wear. You already had warm clothes on, so you didn't bother changing since you figured you would have a bit of fun in the snow before he showed up.

You quickly searched the cabinet before finding the packet you've been looking for in the first place and quickly pocketed it with a bar of chocolate. You messily shoved the rest of the sweets into their secret compartment before popping the cabinet wall back on and turning to walk over to the screeching pot of boiling water.

You quickly moved it off the burner and turned the stove off before pulling your favorite mug over. You looked at the mug and read the words out loud like it was a common routine you did every time you made a hot drink. "Skate fast and eat ass." You looked at the little rollerskate painted on it as the thick black letters covered the bottom. 

You ripped the packet open before dumping its contents into the mug, causing the powder to fly up in a cloud of chocolatey sugar. You poured 1 part of water before sliding over to the fridge and grabbing the milk. You poured a decent bit of milk before sitting it down on the counter and stirring the hot drink.

"Now for the best part~!" You reached into your pocket and unwrapped the chocolate. You deeply inhaled its sweet scent before breaking off a few squares and dropping them in. You pocketed the rest, stirred, and took a big sip of the drink. It was hot and sweet on your tastebuds as you exited the kitchen. You didn't bother to put the milk back since you could hear Fugo yelling at Narancia as they both approached the kitchen.

You didn't bother to listen to their conversation as you fished around in your back pocket for your phone. You flipped the small device open and walked over to the garage before entering the nippy space.

The garage door was open, and you could smell cigarette smoke wafting towards you as you entered the cold room. You glanced over at Abbacchio as he watched the snowfall from the empty white sky you would call Earth's atmosphere. 

You walked up to him and silently took a picture of your drink with the snowy background and sent it to Four Eyes. You were thankful you decided to keep in touch with her because the stories she told you were priceless. At least they were treating her well.

Funky: Guess who got snow.

Four Eyes: You've asked me this question 3 times today and I responded with the same damn thing... -_-

Funky: Which is~?

Four Eyes: For the love of- you?

Funky: Yeaaaaaaah B))

Four Eyes: I hope you choke on your drink

Funky: I hope you choke on a c-

You accidentally hit send when you heard Abbacchio snort from beside you. 

Disco Madness (jjba5xreader)Where stories live. Discover now