Am i going to be a good mother

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My heart was racing what am I gonna do. I can't lose my baby. I looked over at Daishinkan who was covering his face with his hands. It felt like he was crying  I feel bad for him. It's not supposed to be like this we were supposed to be happy not suffer like this. I heard my phone ring and it was my mother, why can't  she leave me alone." Hey mother"

"I've been waiting for you at the hospital and you are not here yet "

"Mother I'm not gonna have an abortion because you said so, it's my baby so I get to decide if I want to keep it or not"

"I'm coming there right now and you're going to get rid of that thing whether you like it or not good bye". She hung up before I got to say anything this is just too much to handle. "Don't stress out Pandora it's gonna be okay". Daishinkan said trying to calm me down but I was already crying

"This is just too much I can't take this anymore"

"We're gonna figure something out okay I promise"

"How can you be so sure"

"Don't cry okay why don't you come me"


"To my place your parents won't find you there"

"What about that little guy"

"We're going to my palace not his and you'll be able to meet my kids"

"You think that they'll like me"

"Of course"

"Well, what are we waiting for"

"Okay hold my hand so that I can teleport us there". In just a few seconds I found myself at a very big palace, it had a large garden that had every flower, a playground and a waterfall. Wow this place is awesome. "Follow me". He said and we walked on a hallway and it had a lot of pictures. I think that those might be the pictures of his kids, and then I saw a picture of him and some lady and they were kissing. I froze he still has a picture of her even though he's with me now. "What's wrong Pandora"

"You still have pictures of her hanging on your walls"

"But I thought you didn't have a problem with it"

"That was when we started dating, how would you feel if I had a picture of me and my ex boyfriend"

"I'm sorry I'll have it removed by tomorrow"

"You better". We walked for what seemed like hours and we weren't even talking to each other. We arrived at a dining room with a long table and it there were people sitting there, they might be his kids.

"Greetings father, oh and who might this be". A girl with two ponytails asked

"This is Pandora my girlfriend, Pandora this is Macarita she's my youngest daughter"

"Nice to meet you"

"A girlfriend? Are you kidding me you're just going to forget about our mother like that"

"What no, that's not true"

"Welcome my name is kusu but you can call me Cus, and Macarita stop being disrespectful, father loves her". Macarita rolled her eyes. She must be the cocky one around here. Cus is really short just like her dad."why don't you all introduce yourselves to our new mother". Wow I can't believe it she just called me mother. They all introduced themselves except for that cocky bitch Macarita.

"It's nice to meet you all my name is Pandora, I'm from planet earth"

"Hear that whis she's from your universe". Sour said.

"Cus do you mind showing her around"

"Well of course father, right this way mother". We walked down a long hallway and it had pictures of them and his late wife, I'm kinda jealous. I saw Cus staring at her mother's picture, and she was crying.

"What's wrong why are you crying"

"I really miss her why did she have to die and leave us all like that"

"It's okay Cus, and I don't think that your mother would like it when she sees you crying like this"

"Yeah I guess you're right, but you're going to be a good mother to us all right". I didn't answer that question, am I going to be a good mother to them or my unborn baby.

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