why did this have to happen to me

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It was dinner time already, I went to the dining hall and found everybody sitting there ready to eat their food. "Oh wow you're back I didn't see you." Whis said with excitement.

"Well as you all can see we've sorted things out and we've moved on from what happened." Daishinkan said with a slight smile on his face.

"Well we're glad to see you here Pandora." Vados said, she was really nice to me and I like her.

"I'm glad to see you all too." I said while rubbing my belly.

"Well come sit down, you aren't planning to stand there for all eternity." Cus sad with a slight giggle. I sat down next to whis and daishinkan. I could feel Macarita's eyes on me. I sighed.

"What's wrong pandy." Daishinkan asked sounding worried.

"I'm just exhausted, I'm gonna go and lie down right now."

"Aren't you going to eat your food?" Whis asked with a voice of concern.

"I'll eat later." I said while standing up.

"Okay if you say so." Daishinkan said with sadness in his eyes. I went upstairs to 'our' room. I sat on the bed and sighed. I don't know what to do right now, there's a baby on the way and I'm so stressed out. I started feeling nauseous,I went into the bathroombut then I tripped and fell on the groundwith my belly, and then I saw nothing but darkness,I don't remember what happened.

********three hours later*******

I woke up and found myself on some kind of hospital bed I looked around me and saw everybody there and they all had sad looks on their faces. I put my hand on my belly, but there was nothing, I started getting worried. "No no no, my baby.....where's my baby." I said with tears streaming down my face. But nobody answered me they all kept quiet."Please answer me where's my baby, I want my baby."

"I'm sorry pandy...... we....we couldn't save the baby." Daishinkan said sadly, I could see tears forming in his eyes.

"What!? No you're lying to me, that can't be, please tell me you're joking." He didn't say anything but his facial expression told me everything I needed to hear. I screamed and cried, I couldn't contain myself, It felt like the end of my life. I can't believe that my baby is gone. Why did this have to happen to me.

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