A new adventure

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Three months later

I sat on top of a tree listening to the sound of birds singing and looking at the beauty of nature. Losing my baby was horrible. I couldn't cope, it felt like a piece of me had died too. I figured that there was nothing I could do about it, so I just accepted it and moved on with my life. Daishinkan and I decided to start over and take things slowly so I moved back home.

My mom was speechless when I told her about the incident, she just hugged me and asked me if I was okay. I asked my mother to help me find a job to keep myself busy with. I didn't wanna go back to school because it was too stressful for me. I got my job and it really helped a lot since I was able to meet new people and have fun. I really enjoyed being a teenager, but I didn't do anything stupid. I would go back home at 7pm and find my mom making dinner. I really enjoyed this new life of mine.


I woke up in the morning right after my alarm went off. I always hate how this alarm wake me up from my amazing sleep. I took a shower and I wore a black tight jumpsuit with white snickers. I took my handbag and went downstairs to find a note on the kitchen table.

"Hey sweety, I got a call from your father's doctor. He told me that he's been fighting cancer for three years now and his condition has been getting worse. So I decided to go to your father, I think I'll be gone for a while. I'll make sure to call you. Breakfast is in the microwave.

Yor mommy💖"

I put the letter down and I sighed. My dad and I never had a food relationship but I still cared about him. I just hoped that he'd be alright. I ate breakfast and went to work. I was working at a restaurant called Dinner as a waitress. I really enjoyed this place. I got there and went to the dressing room to put on my uniform. "Good morning hun." My boss Mr Robertson said. I wasn't really comfortable with him calling me hun, babe and sweetheart. But I really needed this job to keep me busy.

"Good morning sir." I said with a nervous smile.

"I see you're getting ready to start you day here." He said eying me up and down. It really made me feel uncomfortable.

"Uhm yes sir." I said looking down at my skirt, I still don't understand why he gave me such a short skirt. If daishinkan found out he'd whoop his ass for looking at me like some kind of prey. He left the room. I sighed and left the room to start my day here at work. Today was a busy day here at the restaurant I was going to leave early today because daishinkan and I had a date.

It was 2pm so I changed my clothes and packed my things preparing to leave. "So you're kicking off early, babes." Miss Riley said. She's one of my coworkers and a friend of mine too, she's actually 28 years old and a good advisor too.

"Yeah, well I've got a date that I have to prepare for." I said blushing a little.

"Do you know what you're gonna wear." She asked.

"Uhm, I'm still yet to choose." I said sounding nervous,  talking to miss Riley is like talking to a mother, so it makes me kinda nervous.

"You better not wear anything too short because I don't want any funny business between you and whoever you're going on a date with. Just incase anything happens make sure to use protection." She said with a serious look on her face.

"Yes miss Riley, I'll do that." I said blushing.

"How much money do I have to pay you so that you can stop calling me miss Riley, just call me Ray." She said while pushing her long silky hair back.

"Okay Ray, I'll get going now." I said rushing out of the room.

"Okay honey have fun." Sbe said laughing a little. I'm really enjoying my life right now. I just hope that nothing ever ruins this.

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