the first meeting

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I was standing near the river the view was beautiful and I loved it . I wish it was always this beautiful every day ,I enjoyed the fresh air until I heard a loud crash coming from the other side of the river . I went to check it out I found a person but he seemed strange he was like some kind of alien , he was short like a 10 year old child he had some kind of ring behind his head and he was blue he had lavender eyes and nails he also had white silk hair that was pushed back and he was wearing blue clothes I tried carrying him but he was too heavy, I was confused because he was short like very short how can he be so heavy . I thought of a way to wake him up the first thing that came in my mind was slapping him so I slapped him. I heard a small groan from him and I saw him standing up . And he looked at me with an annoyed expression and he slapped me  and the last thing I remember before passing out was him saying,"nobody does that to me ".

3 hours later

I woke up and I was at the side of river I thought about that man/boy  he was strange I wanna see him again I decided to head home when I reached the door step I found the door open "strange I locked the door , let me call the cops "I said to myself I took out my phone but before I could dial that short thing from earlier snatched the phone

"don't even think about it because you'll end up dead" he said

. " Excuse me short stuff who put you incharge first of all you knocked me out and you entered my house without my permission "I said trying not to feel scared

"first of all that slap was a payback and second of all I needed a place to live"

"so you chose my house get out before I make you"

"Make me"

for the first time I didn't know what to do or what to say I thought that my empty threat was gonna work but it didn't

" I thought you were gonna make leave but you're standing like you've seen a ghost or something where did all that bravenes go to "

"come to think of it you're voice sounds like you're older but you're appearance says otherwise"

"you see I'm immortal I don't age only my mind does I'm an Angel "

"oh really then how old are you"

" I'm much older than you think all you should know is that I was there since the beginning of time"

" I'll believe you "

we stopped talking for a few minutes it was a bit awkward so I decided to break the silence

" let's head inside I wanna take a shower and I can show you where you'll be sleeping and the are clothes there that my little brother used to wear I'm sure that they will fit since your hight is the same"

you went upstairs to show him his room the room was big since your father had a lot money your house was like a palace it was beautiful. He went inside the room and you went inside yours to shower.

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