should i trust him

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It has been a week since me and Daishinkan broke up. He's been trying to talk to me but I kept on ignoring him, but he didn't give up.

My mother told me that I would be doing homeschooling from now on. I agreed to it because I didn't want people questioning me about my pregnancy.

I decided to go for a walk today. It was cloudy it looked like it was gonna rain. I walked down the street I was now 8 blocks away from home. I heard someone calling my name, and it was Daishinkan. "What do you want, Grand minister"

"Just call me Daishinkan"

"I don't have the right to I'm not your girlfriend anymore, besides you're treated with respect and people fear your power so I should fear it right"

"Pandora please we need to talk"

"What do you wanna talk about"

"About us and the baby that's growing inside you"

"There's no us and it's my baby"

"Look I made a mistake. I miss you and I need you".

"You need me, so that you can play with my feelings again"

"I didn't play with your feelings, I did love you and I still love you".

"Then why did you tell your daughter that it was best to end things with me".

"I wasn't thinking when I said that, pandy I miss you. Please come back to me if not for yourself then for our child"

"Me and my child are gonna do just fine without you".

"You're forgetting that you're not carrying a human".

"And what is that supposed to mean"

"You can't raise an angel without its father." What does he mean by that, maybe he's trying to trick me into getting back with him. I won't fall for it. I took a deep breath and looked back at him.

"If this is one of your tricks I'm not gonna fall for it "

"It's not a trick, do it for our kid please Pandora"

"I'll think about it". I left and went back home maybe I should tell my mom about it. She might give me some advice.

I got home at about 5:30pm my mother was making dinner. The food smells great it's making me hungry.
"Hey mommy".

"Hey there pandy how was your day?"

"Uhm it was good I guess"

"Hey what's wrong, is that guy still bothering you honey".

"Well yeah. He told me that it's not easy to raise an angel without its father".

"So what you're trying to say is that he wants you guys to get back together".

"No he said that we should do this for the baby".

"Do you actually believe him."

"I don't know but I should give it a shot".

"If that's what you want". I went up to my room and sat on my bed. The moon was out tonight  and it was beautiful. I went out to the balcony to get some fresh air. I sighed and I thought about what Daishinkan told me, is he trying to use me or is he telling me the truth. What should I do? Should I trust him?

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