the breakup

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I kept on crying for what seemed like eternity, I was so broken I can't believe my mom's said that how could she, I'm her only daughter." Pandy please stop crying, you don't look good when cry"

"I can't take this anymore this is too much"

"It's okay, it's gonna be okay"

"It's not, I want them to understand how I feel I love you and I love them as well, I can't lose any of you guys "

"Shhh you're not alone dear". We heard  Macadita call out for Daishinkan. "I'll be back". I decided to follow Daishinkan without him knowing, I just wanna know why they called him. I used to listen to my parent's conversations secretly. He went to a room it looks like a study. I stood by the door to listen to them. "I called you here to talk about your little 'relationship' with Pandora"

"What about it"

"First of all she's just a kid, she's billions of years younger that us, how can you call her your girlfriend"

"Have I ever judged you in anything no, so don't judge me"

"Father you're supposed to set a good example for us but what are doing you're busy chasing after a kid you're even old enough to be her ancestor"

"That's enough Macarita"

"I'm not going to keep quiet about it father, I'm not going to except that bitch into this family"

"You know what , I've tolerated you long enough, what is it that you have against her"

"I have nothing against her"

"Then why do you hate her so much"

"I don't hate her it's just that you want to replace our mother and I don't want that, she died while trying to save you, and you want to forget about her and move on". Daishinkan didn't answer her, I guess he is still in love with her. I felt my heart break I don't know what to do. He said that he loves me.

"That's not true Macarita I still love your mother and it's not easy to forget her, but I wanna start something special with Pandora"

"Daddy you can't love two people at the same time, if you still love our mother then won't Pandora feel betrayed. How is she supposed to feel when she learns that you still love so someone else"

"Uhm maybe you're right I should end things with her". I just felt like crying, he said that he loves, and I believed him . I was about to turn around, I mistakenly pushed the aquarium and it fell on the ground. I looked up and saw Daishinkan, I felt like strangling him to death right now.

"You liar, you cheater, you lied to me. You betrayed me. I thought that you were different but you're not"

"Pandora I can explain"

"Explain my ass. Take me home right now, I don't want anything to do with you".

"Pandy please just come down".

"Don't pandy me, I wanna go home now".

"Please stay, we'll talk when you've calmed down"

"Just take me home, now".

"Very well then". He teleported me straight to my room"

"I'll see you soon Pandora"

"No you won't, now get the fuck out of here". He teleported away, how can I be so stupid, I thought that he loved me. I sat on my bed and cried. I heard a mock on my door."come in".

"Honey what's wrong we heard you screaming at someone"

"I'm such an idiot mother, I trusted him  I thought that he loved me."

"It's okay honey. Why don't we forget about the abortion and go out for dinner at that fancy restaurant"

"I don't know mother"

"Hey don't stress yourself out and stress isn't good for the baby so why don't you smile for the baby okay"

"Where's dad?"

"He's gone on a business trip for a month"

"So I guess it's just us."

"Come on let's go". We went to the restaurant and we ate like there's no tomorrow. My mind was off Daishinkan. I think I'll do just fine without him.

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