happily ever after

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I woke up feeling tired. I looked around and realized that I was in Daishinkan's room. We ended up drinking a lot of wine last night, well it was my first time drinking and probably my last because my parentshate alcohol beverages. I sighed, I couldn't help but laugh a little."I see you're awake." Daishinkan said. I looked at him and he was naked, he covered his lower body with a blanket. I guess we ended up having FUN last night.

"Yeah, I should probably take a shower and head home." I said getting up from the comfy bed I was sleeping on.

"Why are you in such a hurry, it's only 2am in your planet." He said smiling at me.

"Really, I guess is a little fast here." I said. I don't know why but I was a little unhappy.

"Pandora, I have a question for you." He said sitting up straight.

"What is it." I asked sounding a bit confused.

"How did you picture your future before you met me." He asked.

"Well, all I wanted was to graduate from college and become a lawyer. And probably get marriedand have kids." I said.

"Do you intend on fulfilling your dreams now."

"I think I'm fine with how my life has turned out now. And I'm really happy. I've got my family, a job, friends and you." I said pointing at him.

"I'm glad to hear that. Let's go downstairs."


"Well my kids saw us coming in last night so it's only fair if we have breakfast with them." He said. We took a shower together and we got dressed. Went downstairs to the dining hall. All his children were there. They looked beautiful as always.  I really missed them. I sat down and whis was the first one to talk.

"Mother it's great to have you back." Whis said with a smile on his face.

"I'm glad to be back too. But I'm not here to stay, I still have to go back home." I said.

"Can you stay for a few days atleast?" Vados said with a sad voice

"I'm sorry Vados, but it won't be possible. I just started working and I don't want to quit my job early, and I promised my mom that I won't be coming to stay here anytime soon. "

"I doesn't matter, why don't you just stay at your little planet forever." Macarita said. Well I can't say I wasn't expecting that.

"Don't you know that being rude to others can give you wrinkles." I said facing Macarita.

"What!? Really." She said touching her face.

"Yes." I said.

"I have to go and have a look at myself in the mirror." She said rushing off to her room. The others were laughing. I felt happy about it.

"So mother are you going to give us a little sibling." Sour asked with a cheery voice.

"Uhm...I..." I didn't know what to say to him. I didn't know whether I wanted to have a child now. I'm still young I still need to mentally prepare myself for another baby. I'm also afraid of losing another baby.

"Just give her tome to think. I mean she still has her whole life ahead of her. What she should think about now is having some fun, right father." Whis said winking at Daishinkan. He blushed a little, he looked kinda cute like that.

"Whis, manners." He said slapping whis's hand playfully.

"Whis is right father I mean we are not in a rush rush to have another sibling." Kusu said.

"Let's eat." Daishinkan said trying to avoid the topic. We ate breakfast and I went to the garden to pick some strawberries. I couldn't wait to grow up and have kids with Daishinkan. He was everything that I always wanted and more. But I didn't expect to become a stepmother to 12 children. This is just great. I want us to live happily forever. I wonder how many kids we're gonna have.

4years later.

I was sitting on the side of the toilet. I was worn out, I have been puking for the past few days. Daishinkan and I have been married for two months now. I found out I was pregnant 6 months before we got married, do now I'm 8 months pregnant. And this pregnancy has been tiring me. I've been puking every morning and I could only eat fruits and vegetables. I really missed eating Chinese food, but this baby doesn't want it, it just wants fruits and vegetables. I can tell that he's going to be picky. "Mother are you okay." Macarita asked. She apologized to me three months ago, and now she's even looking after me. She's been such a great daughter.

"I'm fine, I just wish that I could give birth right now, I really want to meet my baby now." I said rubbing my belly.

"Just hang in there" She said

"Can you help me up."

"Of course." She said helping Mr up. She walked me to my bed. All I wanted was for my baby to be born. "Have some rest, I'm going to make some vegetable porridge for you "

"Okay." I said lying down on my back. I heard a light nock on the door. Then it opened, revealing Daishinkan's little head. "Are you trying to sneak in." I said laughing a bit.

"I did knock didn't I. So I wasn't trying to sneak in." He said with a slight chuckle.

"I can't wait to give birth. Have you thought of a name yet?" I asked

"Well yes. If it's a boy then we're going to name him merno but if it's a girl then we're going to name her paishi." He said.

"I love them. I can't wait for my baby to be born." I said excitedly. Macarita came in with the vegetable porridge. The smell made me a lot more hungrier than I was. "It smells good, is there anything that you guys can't do." I said drooling over the vegetable porridge. I took it quickly and thanked her. I ate it quickly.

"Slow down the porridge won't run away." Daishinkan said with a slight chuckle.

"Leave, so that I can enjoy my lovely porridge alone." I said.

"As you wish." He said exiting the room.

1 month later.

There is nothing more exciting in life that giving birth. I can't even explain how I'm feeling right now. I was holding my child, paishi in my arms. She looked so beautiful. She had white hair, pink lips, purple eyes, purple nails, and her skin color was just like mine. "She is so beautiful.she looks like the two of you." Vados said.

"I couldn't agree more, now we are a complete and happy family." Whis said. I never knew that my life would turn out to be this way. I'm really happy, I hope I can be able to give my little girl, the best life ever. I'll just have to see where life takes me now.


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