will we ever have that mother-son relationship

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I was finally done packing my things. I sighed thinking about what would happen when I got there. I didn't know how to face sour after what happened."okay you can do this pandora, if not for you then for your baby" I told myself over and over again.

Daishinkan arrived a few hours later to pick me up. I said goodbye to my mother, I'm kinda glad that she accepted the situation."what's wrong pandy?" Daishinkan asked noticing the sad look on my face.

"It's just that..... I don't know I don't think I'll be able to look at sour again. I just can't,  I screwed up."

"Hey it's not your fault, I'm here for you okay. Just don't stress yourself you wouldn't want anything bad to happen on our baby now would you?"

"I'll try to stay calm." We finally arrived, Daishinkan took my luggage to 'our' room. I took a long warm shower. I can't lie though I really missed this place. After I was done showering I wore my pink long dress and white sandals. I went downstairs only to bump on that bitch macatita. "Oh I see the whore is back, let me guess are you going to shagg one of my brothers " she said with a smirk on her face.

"You know what I don't have time for your bulshit, I've better things to do."

"Like what, sleeping with one of my brothers."

"Have a nice day." I left her standing by herself. I guess this nightmare wasn't over yet. The sun was setting so I went outside to watch the beauty of sunset. I sat the for a few minutes and then I heard someone clearing their throat. I Turned around only to see sour. I couldn't look at him.
"Hey uhm sorry for the intrusion."
He said while scratching the back of his head.

"Uhm, it's okay. What is it?"

" I wanted to apologize for everything I know it's hard for you."

"It's okay."

" look I just want things to be normal between us, maybe even build that mother son relationship."

"I'll try." Can things ever be normal between us, are we going to be able to build that relationship. I guess only time will tell.

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