what have i done

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I was seating on the table with vados chatting. She is really sweet towards me I really like her but then somebody decided to ruin our moment.

"Well well look at you trying to get on my sister's side. Why don't you pack your things and leave already mortal."

"Listen Macarita I don't have time for this okay, so will you just let me be." I said trying to be polite.

"Oh really, I can't wait to see the day that father kicks you out of this place."

"And I can't wait to see the day that you shut your stupid mouth hoe."

"Excuse me, do you even know who you're talking to mortal?"

"I have a name, stop calling me 'mortal' why don't you get yourself a life honey. Anyway I'm not in the mood to fight you I'm going to take a nap bye bye." I left before she even got a chance to answer, I heard vados giggling. Then I saw Macarita storming out of the palace. I threw myself on the bed but I didn't throw myself too hard because I didn't wanna hurt my baby. I sighed looking up at the ceiling I smiled at myself " I'm really glad that I got to shut her mouth for now, but I know that I haven't heard the last of it from her." I heard the door open I got up and I saw Daishinkan and he wasn't looking happy at all I wonder what happened with him and the Omni king.

"Can we talk?" He said angrily, I wonder what happened.

"Uhm sure thing."

"I know that you are mad at my daughter but you didn't have to go to her room and threaten her." What the hell is he talking, maybe that girl brainwashed him.

"What are you talking about she came to me and started saying things."

"Oh really well that's not what Mojito told me."

"What I didn't he lied to you."

"Well you know what MORTAL if you ever threaten my daughter for no reason then you're gonna regret you got that." Is he serious. I couldn't take this crap anymore I just stormed out of the room. Why is everybody against first it was Macarita and now Mojito I can't believe. I got inside a room I didn't care whose room it was I just wanted to be alone. It seemed like a bedroom. Everything was brown. I just sat down on the bed and started crying. Then I felt someone's hand rubbing my back. I looked up and I saw Sour and he was half naked he only had a towel on, his hair was wet and he was so sexy. What's wrong with Pandora you are not that kind of girl.

"Why are you crying Pandora?"

"It's Daishinkan I really hate him."

"What did he do?"

"I got into a fight with macarita today and when he returned Mojito said that I went to Macarita's room and threatened her."

"It's okay don't cry." He said laying my head on his chest. I looked up at him. Those lips were so cute I just wanted to kiss them. I didn't care about anything right I just wanted to be fucked. I saw him leaning closer to me and then I felt his lips on mine they were so soft. Instead of pulling away I kissed him back. He started unzipping my dress, before I realised it we were both naked. He kissed my neck and went down to my vagina damn this guy was so careful with me. It felt so wrong but it was so good, there's no stopping now we're doing this. He rubbed my clit, I bit my lip trying not to moan I didn't us want to be caught. "What are you doing Pandora that's his son." I just want to be fucked but he's his son. I don't care I just want him.

I woke up and it was 3am. I looked over at Sour and he was just looking up at the ceiling. I then realised what just happened. Oh my god what have I done.

"Oh I see you've finally woken up."

"What have I done, I shouldn't have done this. I literally cheated on him with his son. Macarita was right I'm a hoe."

"No you're not you were sad and lonely and you needed someone."

"No, I don't know how I'm going to face him now I'm so horrible." I ran to the bathroom and got down on my knees and cried. What have I done?

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