Secrets and Lies Chapter 1

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Jason swung his long legs over the edge of the bed and got up, collecting his clothing from where it had been dropped as passion had taken hold of them just a couple of hours earlier that afternoon.

He looked back towards the bed, she was still dozing, a contented smile on her lips as she lay half asleep, their lovemaking having reduced her to a blissful state of tiredness.

He went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, coming back to find her watching him as he dressed.

"Oh don't go just yet Jason!  Come on, get back in bed for a little while," she said, patting the bed as she pulled the cover back for him to get in again.

"I'd love to luv," he replied, sitting down next to her, and kissing her cheek.  "But I've got to go.  First band meeting in over twelve months.  Don't want to be late for it."

"But Howard won't be there, so it won't be a proper band meeting," she pointed out, placing her arms on his shoulders and trying to manoeuvre him back beside her.

"Think the meeting is about Howard.  Gary's been trying to find him for the last few weeks.  He's not heard from him for ages, not even a text.  He might be looking for another dancing drummer soon!"

"Oh well then, you'd better get along there before he's looking for two replacements.  Wish you didn't have to go Jay.  Hate it when you have to leave like this.  But it won't be for much longer will it?" she asked him.

"No babe, it won't be for much longer.  I told you I'd tell her when the time was right.  If Howard comes back soon, then maybe that will help."

He took hold of his jumper and pulled it over his head, then smoothed his hair back into place.

"Right I'd best be off.  Ring you later ok?" he told her leaning over and kissing her gently.

"Ok, speak to you later," she replied.  "Love you Jay!"

"Love you too," he smiled, blowing her a kiss as he left the room.

Gary looked at the two of them, a big grin on his face.

"Got some good new for you guys," he told them.  "Finally tracked him down and he's coming back home next week!  Isn't that great?"

"Yeah great news that Gaz," said Mark, his face a beaming smile matching that of Gary's.  "That's good innit Jay?" he said turning to Jason.

"What?  Yeah of course it is!" Jason agreed.  He'd been lost in thought.  He knew now that the time was coming when he would have to have a conversation he'd been dreading.  A frown creased his forehead as he realised that he was going to be taking a risk.  But it had to be.  Something had to be done.  The situation couldn't continue for much longer.  There was really no alternative.  A big sigh escaped from him.

"Bloody hell Jason, you sound as if you've all the weight of the world on your shoulders!  What's up mate?" asked Mark, putting his arm across his shouers.

"Nothing, sorry.  Just thinking that's all!" Jason tried to explain.

Gary looked at him.  He did look as if he'd been deep in thought.  But what was new about that for him?  Jason was always thinking about something!  He was famous for it!  Gary had noticed a few times recently that he seemed to be miles away and always on edge and jumpy.  He wondered what was wrong with him.  He knew that the news about Howard coming home was likely to bring back old anxieties.  He wondered how Anna would take the news about Howard coming home.  It was going to be a difficult time for the pair of them.

"Right then.  I thought that it would be good if we all got together when he gets back home.  So I've booked us all a long weekend in a hotel down south.  Thought it would be a bit of a treat for the ladies and we can all just chill out and take it easy for a few days.  What do you think about that lads?" he asked them, waiting for their reactions.

Secrets and Lies  (Sequel to Your Lying Eyes)Where stories live. Discover now