Secrets and Lies Chapter 17

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It had been a trying day in the studio.  The four of them had decided to make a start on putting some songs together for their next album.  To help them all concentrate, they had turned off their phones for the afternoon.

When Mark turned his back on, it immediately rang out.

"What have you been doing?" cried Chloe's voice down the line,  "I've been trying to reach you all afternoon!"

"What's wrong," he asked, becoming worried that she had needed him.  "It's not the baby is it?"

"No not yet Mark, it's too early."  Chloe smiled at his concern for her.  "No it's not me Mark.  I was trying to get hold of Howard.  Catherine wanted to speak to him.  I think she may have some good news for him!"

At this, Mark looked over at him and smiled, giving him a thumbs up!

Howard looked puzzled and didn't know what he meant.  He too was in the process of turning his phone back on and checking for missed messages and calls.  He saw that he had had several of both, all from the same person, Catherine.

Wondering what she wanted, he rang her and immediately his call was answered.

"At last!" she cried.  "I've been trying to reach you all afternoon!" she told him.

"What's so important?" he asked her.  "You've not had the baby yet have you?" suddenly realising that it was possible.

"No it's not the baby.  It's better than that," she laughed down the phone.  "Guess who I've been talking to this afternoon?"

"Father Christmas!" he sighed, wishing that she'd tell him what all the fuss was about.

"Funny!  Someone even better than him.  Well for you it would be," she said her voice going softer.  "Someone you want to see more than anybody else," she teased him.

Howard's eyes widened as he suddenly realised who she was talking about.

"Anna?" he asked.  "You telling me that you've been talking to Anna?  How?  Why?  When?  Where is she for goodness sake?  Stop messing about Catherine!"

"Ok, ok, she's in Australia working in the Lagoon Hotel.  Can you believe it?  She's back where we were!"

"What did she say?  How is she?  Are the kids ok?" he asked, the questions tumbling out of his mouth one after the other.  He realised that he was shaking and sat down as he waited for her to answer him.

"Calm down How," she said softly, knowing that he was in shock.  "They're all ok.  I told her about you and me.  About there being no you and me.  She didn't really say much.  She just listened to me.  And cried.  I could tell she's missing you just as much as you're missing her.  I told her to come back home."  She stopped and waited for a response from him.  "We were on a webcam, I could see her face as I spoke to her.  I could see how she was feeling How.  She still loves you hun."  She paused again, no response coming from him.  "You still there How?" she asked.

"Yes, I'm still here," he answered, his voice thick with emotion as he wiped tears from his eyes.  He cleared his throat and swallowed hard, his head in his hand as he fought to stay in control.  Catherine had found them.  He couldn't believe it.  He needed to see them all as soon as he could.

Catherine could hear the emotion in his voice, his silence saying more than words ever could.  She felt her own eyes filling with tears, imagining him sitting there overcome with his feelings for Anna.

"I know you can't talk now How, so I'll go.  But ring me back when you want to hun, ok?"  she told him gently.

"Yeah, will do.  Thanks Catherine.  Never forget this!" he managed to say.

Secrets and Lies  (Sequel to Your Lying Eyes)Where stories live. Discover now