Secrets and Lies Chapter 6

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"Room 207"  read Anna from the keyfob as they walked down the corridor looking for their room.  

"205, 206, 207.  This is it!" said Jason as he looked from side to side at the doors.

Anna went to the door and opened it, stepping inside ahead of him.

"Wow!" she exclaimed as she took in the sumptuous décor of the room.  It was themed in cream and gold, the high ceiling making it feel cool and airy, carpets so deep, you could feel your feet sink into them as you walked into the room.  A large ceiling to floor window with gold curtains which pooled onto the floor, allowed light to flood into the room.

"Wow indeed!"  agreed Jason.  "Glad we didn't bring the kids! Imagine them in here with chocolate!" he grinned at her.  "You'd be running around after them and sponging finger prints off the walls all the time!"

"Yeah, it's an adults only room alright," Anna smiled back at him.  She looked around and spotted the door to the en-suite.

"This must be our bathroom then," she suggested and opened the door to have a look.  "Wow again," she said as she looked around the large room.  In one corner was a large bath, easily big enough for at least two people with buttons and dials along one edge showing that it was also a Jacuzzi.  A large walk in shower was opposite, all marble and tinted glass.  A large cabinet held all kinds of toiletries and preparations.  The towels were huge bath sheets all soft and fluffy.  

"I think I could spend hours in here," she told Jason as he joined her to look around.  

"Hmm, we both could I think!" he wrapped his arms around her waist as he grinned at her.

"You!" she cried in mock indignation as she twisted out of his arms and left the room.

Going back into the bedroom, he swung the suitcase onto the bed and began to unpack their things putting them on hangers in the wardrobe and into drawers in the chest of drawers.

"You've packed enough for a fortnight, never mind a weekend!" he told her.  "I wondered why this case was so heavy!"  

"You never know what the weather is going to be like even at the beginning of November, and it has been quite mild recently," Anna began to point out.

"And this would add to the weight too now wouldn't it?" he said holding up her laptop that she had put in at the bottom of the case.

"I just thought that it might be useful for us to bring it with us.  We've got lots of pictures on there of the children.  In case Howard wanted to have a look at some of Maisie" Anna defended herself.

"Yeah of course.  Nothing to do with the case that you've been working on recently?"  muttered Jason suspiciously.  "Anna, this was meant to be a break away from the office, not for you to bring it with you.  That's why it's called a break.  You stop doing what you normally do."

"I just thought it would be useful to have it with me," she told him, folding her arms and going to look out of the window.

Jason sighed and went to her, placing his arms around her and leaning his chin on her shoulder.

"I was hoping that it would let you and me have some 'us' time.  Away from the kids and work.  You know, time for us to relax.  Just be me and you," he said softly, pushing her long dark hair away from her neck and kissing it.

Anna raised her shoulder, pushing him away with her head and stepped out of his arms as she did so.

"You said we'd be back down again in half an hour, we don't have time for that now," she said as she walked away from him.

Secrets and Lies  (Sequel to Your Lying Eyes)Where stories live. Discover now